Subtle Art of being Right
Priya Sachdev | Business Coach | Sales Practitioner & Coach | Ageism Activist | Certified Master Facilitator - Miller Heiman Methodologies | Mentor in Residence for Startups in Okanagan
"Don’t believe everything you think” yet we always do ! What is reality if not your own perceptions or interpretation of what you believe is true. Also there is this brain that releases more positive chemicals every time it gets the positive reinforcement of being right. Which means the trap only gets tighter with experiences and you get even deeper into the believe of what you think, and it has to be right.
Am not saying its wrong to be right. Am also not saying don’t have biases cause that may not be possible. However what can be worst than being right? Its the strong urge of proving everyone else wrong !
This is where being objective can really be a helpful tool. Though one can debate that even objectivity has a bias. I can look / dice data from the perspective I want to be Right. Even then being objective can cut through the emotion around proving others wrong.
In my experience the biggest part of the emotional outbursts does not happen in being Right or someone realising you are Right but in being proven you are Wrong or knowing if the other person is right then I will need to be wrong. If being right is the basis of winning an argument then think again. Cause you won’t win on the strength of your argument but on the strength of your relationship.
Working with sales professionals specifically on deal coaching sometimes one experiences such a strong bias to the solution that has been presented. Its like instead of winning a sales the determination is my solution is right ! The client is still not buying it, you are stuck in a long sales cycle and running through hoops of clients buying process. Could it be a good time to check your solution again? Would another solution help closing the deal ? Is it better to be stuck with what you believe is the Right solution? Is it the Right solution?
So the subtle art of being Right is providing the data points which formed the basis of your interpretation, cause then its not always right or wrong because the reference points of our data could be completely different. While we believe right or wrong is like black or white but remember there are other colours there as well.
Just because one person is right doesn’t make the other person wrong however it does provides an opportunity to explore another dimension.
Let go of your attachment of being right and suddenly your mind is more open !