The substance of data is living - so now what?
Rick (William) Evans (DAMA CDMP TOGAF ITIL)
Digital, Data, and Information Capability Development, Implementation & Recovery (DAMA CDMP, TOGAF, ITIL) - GREENFIELDS - TO - HUMMING / CHAOS - TO - ORDER
How would you treat your data if you knew it was a living substance, capable of stonewalling you, misdirecting you, or working with you and supporting you?
The author of "Let there be light" also said that you would:
- reap what you sow
- eat the fruit of your tongue
- have the "Devourer" destroy all that you need to survive and thrive.
Data is not just in your systems, it is all around you, it is owned by God, and obeys Him first. God is permitting it to draw all evil unto itself, after which all that are evil will also be destroyed. You need to take stock of your life, and where you are headed, for you will remain in the data cage until you realise who can get you out of it.
As for those who are free from the data cage, and know how to be Daniel in the Lion's Den, such will be able to work with data and bring it into harmony for effectiveness and efficiency. Such people also know that the data will only assist those whose hearts are right though.
Feel free to test this out, and watch as the data constantly adjusts to misdirect downstream and cause upstream to make decisions that brings more confusion and entanglement.
No one that this is happening to will admit it on this chat, but have you experienced something in your room or house that is unseen? So where does this come from? What is behind the data that you see? because that unseen thing is also behind the data, and that unseen thing has to submit to a child of the Only Living God, whose Word is Jesus Christ.
When digging a hole in beach sand near the water's edge, the sand keeps falling in, and it is a never-ending exercise of losing depth for width. You only know this from your higher vantage point over the whole cause and effect situation, but as an individual grain of sand, you do not understand nor can you see.
Companies that have good morals and intentions, should hire those whose hearts are right, for their data will be able to be harnessed. I am happy to train up these type of people in how to really work with data.
Perhaps their is an honest company in Australia, Melbourne, who would like to sponsor me to come there and make this happen.
Share this post if you would also like to see this happen.
Enjoy Jesus Christ.