Subsidies and gains in photovoltaic systems
Initial investments in photovoltaic systems (PVS) may be high, so some users are unable to cover these high costs, mainly residential ones. ?However, PVS can reduce the annual financial losses due to voltage sags and the cost of energy losses in the whole grid. We propose a methodology for the identification of ideal locations and sizing of PVS to offer financial subsidies to strategic users, with that, both electric utilities and end users may achieve important gains. The identified gains and subsidies aim to offer fair tariffs to end users and to complement other economic incentives already offered by the government to increase the penetration rate of renewable energies. Take a look at:
*J. C. Cebrian, J. Giacomini Jr, A. L. D. Rossi, F. C. L. Trindade and H. K. Morales-Paredes, "Methodology to Estimate the Financial Impacts of the Integration of PV Generators in Distribution Systems on Voltage Sags and Energy Losses," in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2024.3358999