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Nadia Themis
Lecturer in Business | Staff Governor | Mindset Coach | Yoga Instructor |First Aid Trainer | Former Politician & Journalist | Pacifist & Author| EMCC
How many times have you opened your inbox, and it was like full of emails that you never remembered signing up for? I hope my email is not one of them though haha. I was “decluttering” my inbox and in general my office this long weekend and after a few hours I felt so much, “lighter” if that makes sense to you guys.?
Now, I have emails that matters to me, adding value to my work life. This also helps me to concentrate better and be more effective. I have observed thatI felt more motivated when i was receiving or sending emails that can help me to improve as a professional but also to grow my business. It is not that we don't have enough time but it is the lack of effective management of our time. Stop chasing "clients" that will never come back to you, or dealing with dead projects. I think you can tell when something has no savior and we must start something new. Accept, embrace and move on!
Why did it take me a few hours though? It wasn’t because I had millions of emails, but it was because I was going through all those emails just to understand why I signed up in the first place. I had all these queries like “Do I need this subscription, If I need something in the future though maybe I should unsubscribe” and the list of questions was quite long!
Isn’t that two words though that keeping us behind from progressing? “What If” How many times have you used those two words “What If” Im even writing a book about it! A novel which hopefully will be published in September 2023. What If I had made a different decision, What If I never got married, What If I had moved to Bali? So many what ifs but the fact doesn’t change that What if, does not really exist!
It is hypothetically another dimension of a lifestyle that we may have had but we will never know! Why waste our every thought for something that we will never found out. Many times, by using that what if it makes us feel comfort for a while, makes us feel more chill about accepting the current state of our lives. You cannot justify your bad decisions by being those people sitting on a porch and thinking their past about what ifs. You can’t have the life you want now based on your current state of life. Yes of course we can consider how our life could have been if we had made different decision but that can be our awakening call to make good decision now.?
A time comes in our life that we must be serious about our life and ourselves. So yes, dare and unsubscribe from those situations that are not for you anymore. Every year we are getting closer to our ending outcome. Every day is a new beginning no matter what you are might be. Dare to leave the what if behind you and start thinking about “I am doing it”.
For so many years we have been taught that we must have a suppressing life that we must work hard to succeed and be happy. That it is our parents’ fault or the governments or the weather is gloomy. No, we have to decide to unsubscribe from anything that is pulling you down, weighting you with anxiety, regrets.?
Throw away all the baggage that you do not need and dare to move on. You deserve to be subscribed to situations, people, life that makes you feel fulfilled at least most of the time. I have become a master of decluttering! If you need support, please feel free to book your 30 min Free Consultation with me.
Thank you for your time.