About Subnetworks in Detail: 101 Guide

About Subnetworks in Detail: 101 Guide

Optimization of data traffic - here's another headache for enterprise leaders striving to boost business performance. Just imagine dozens or even hundreds of branches and affiliates worldwide that have to perform data exchange daily to remain on the same page and deliver similar values to end users. The speed and quality of this process are highly dependent on routes. The main task here is to ensure that information X will be transferred from point A to point B using the most reasonable way.

It's pretty arduous to organize, considering that companies use "monolithic" networks where data can travel for a long time to reach the destination. So, here subnetting comes to the rescue. They say this approach can organize data traffic by dividing "monolithic" networks into smaller parts - subnets.

We're here to explore whether it's true. Scroll down to explore what a subnet is, how this approach works, and why it is as necessary as air for enterprises.

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What is a Subnet?

I bet you know enough about microservices to consider a subnet taking them as an example. So, regarding microservices: each monolithic can be divided into independently built, launched, and operated parts. Each of them is responsible for one process. Meanwhile, they are all integrated to ensure the seamless operation of the entire system.

The same goes for networks and subnets. Let's say a network is a sort of monolithic for data. It's complicated. It has a vast number of data routes - something like a ball of wool. The mess it created affects information security and overall business productivity since you never know what might happen with the data during its journey.

So, to optimize the data transfer, companies need to divide networks into smaller interconnected parts - subnets. They perform dozens of crucial business and tech tasks helping enterprises cut costs and speed up processes. The main tasks of subnets are to:

  • reduce the distance between point A and point B
  • skip unnecessary routes to achieve results faster
  • make data transfer efficient and optimized
  • ensure data security during its journey
  • make networks more manageable

What is subnet

Source: Cloudflare

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How Do Subnets Work

The subnet ensures communication between connected devices. Meanwhile, all subnets connect by using routers. Businesses apply any-sized subnets depending on connectivity requirements and network technology.

So here, at least two types of subnets arise. The first one - a point-to-point subnet - aims to connect two particular devices. The second one - a data center subnet - operates to connect a more extensive scope of devices around.

A fun fact: a subnet also can be divided into smaller parts to provide enterprises with the desired flexibility. This approach helps set up point-to-point links that support several devices.

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What Knowledge Do You Need to Create Subnets?

Regardless of the reader-friendly explanation, subnetting remains a pretty complicated topic that requires at least basic knowledge from those who want to build or implement subnets. Therefore, you should ensure that all the components you'll face are precise. For this purpose, you'll find the top 4 definitions you have to know before turning a subnetting idea into reality.

IP address

Your smartphone, laptop, and any other device that connects to the Internet have a unique Internet Protocol address (IP). For data transfer purposes, it works like your home address. In other words, it helps data sent over the Internet reach the relevant device choosing from billions of other connected devices. IP addresses are indicated as a series of alphanumeric characters. Meanwhile, computers read them as binary code.

IP address

Subnet mask

A subnet mask is another IP address used to ensure internal network communication. Routers use subnet masks to deliver data to the right place choosing between devices connected with this particular network.

Subnet mask

Network & Host IDs

A Network ID is a part of an IP address defining which network you are on. Meanwhile, the Host ID is also a part of an IP address that identifies a host on a given network.

Network & Host IDs

Broadcast ID

A Broadcast ID is a multipoint connection that automatically reaches all nodes in the particular network without knowing the recipient addresses. It is used as the destination address when sending a broadcast is necessary.

The Bottom Line

Subnets play a significant role in stable and organized business operations since they are capable of dividing complex parts into simple ones making it possible to speed up data exchange. Subnetting turns companies into mature entities with advanced communication, taking care of information security and proper delivery in milliseconds.

If you are looking for a way to optimize your communication inside a company - reach our sales team out. JEVERA specialists will advise you on the most appropriate starting point.

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