Submitted for your approval this Halloween season, 5 tales from the training darkside…

Submitted for your approval this Halloween season, 5 tales from the training darkside…

Just 5 of the many stories I hear year after year.... take it for what its worth

  • Unfortunately, the authorization did not get through all of the approval steps. Upper management would prefer if I wait until next year to attend training event. I apologize for all of the confusion. As you can probably imagine, I’m pretty disappointed myself.

What happened - Next Year Never Came! - He was let go due to inadequate job performance.   He was so upset with how the situation turned out; he worked hard and became the training manager for his new employer, (he has been there ever since)


  • Sorry I tried and tried but no go – supposedly there is no money in the budget for training. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it out there next year.

What happened - There was no next year – She could not keep up with industry changes and her boss replaced her, she was vocal in telling him that “if you trained me as I asked, I would have been prepared to do my job.”  The money the company did not have for training was used to pay the regulatory fines.


  • Unfortunately, the request was denied. I will keep an eye out for other upcoming seminars. Thank you for all your help. It seems to be a pattern though ; “I ask - management says no”

What happened - He stayed another year and then left – he knew his current employer would never invest in him so he moved on to a company who made training a priority.


  • I have just, this morning, been informed that our company has announced a travel moratorium for the remainder of our fiscal year, this means we will not have any funding for travel for the next few months which unfortunately includes my travel to your forums; yes that’s right, the same trainings I was told that I had to attend, and now I have the rug pulled right out from under me.

What happened - He was never given a reason – but six months later he was terminated, he kept asking for a legitimate reason and they never gave him one. A year later he found out that the "powers at be" were displeased with his pro professional development stance.


  • After all that work and preparation (from both of us), I didn’t get approval for this conference. It’s upsetting because as you know I needed to attend this training based upon my new job requirements.

What happened - They decided to outsource her new position as opposed to keeping it in house; she left the company and went to work for the company that outsourced her original job function. She now holds the position of Director of Quality…


  • Note; each of the 5 companies that denied their employees training and development are no longer in business – They for whatever reason were either merged or acquired by another company or simply disappeared


  • Definition- Learn - to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. The continual developing of habits that drive you to be the best!
  • Definition-Earn - to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered.  There is a direct correlation between being the best and earning the most...

 “In this industry, if you stop learning, you stop earning... Period!”       - An under appreciated quote from a retired Training Manager of more than 30 years in the life science industry

"In rapidly changing technologies, when jobs become fewer, it's the PEOPLE WHO KEEP UP WITH CHANGE who offer the greatest value!"  - Former thought leader and conference presenter who once was employed by the biggest of the big in the pharmaceutical industry. 


"The Darkside is always there waiting for us to enter; waiting to enter us. Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight.

Happy Halloween and God Bless 


Michael Berube, m.ed的更多文章

