Submit your manuscript to Special Issue "Saltwater Aquaponics: A New Challenge for Food Production"
Dear colleagues,
Aquaponics is a promising solution to mitigate the impact of intensive fish production systems. It has received more attention in recent years, as can be seen by analyzing the trend of the number of scientific publications, which grew from approximately 20 in the first decade of this century to about 125 only in 2020. Most of the published research has been conducted on freshwater aquaponics. However, in recent years, a growing interest has been addressed at developing and/or improving the efficiency of saltwater aquaponics. Although the operating principles between the two types of aquaponics are the same, saltwater aquaponics presents many new challenges related to the effect of salt on the system’s physical components; variation of fish species; variation and number reduction of plant species that can be used; and management of saltwater after discharge.
Based on these challenges, this Special Issue welcomes original research papers, short communications, and review articles that provide insight into all topics related to saltwater aquaponics.
Dr. Carmelo Maucieri
Dr. Carlo Nicoletto
Guest Editors