Submit your ideas for HDIF Innovation Week
One of the best events to learn, share, admit failures, develop new ideas and work with many young professionals - majority from African countries. HDIF Innovation Week
The dates are announced for end of March but more important is to submit your ideas to host an event - in an innovative way - deadline is end of this month. I have attended this lovely week in 2017 and 2018 and there many reasons why I strongly recommend this event. There are very few events which are truly multi-disciplinary. Where people come from different backgrounds attend together, where many young professionals are welcomed, and given a great confidence to talk, where innovation and new ways of doing things are discussed. Where research and practice talk to each other and where fun is a necessary ingredient of all the action. This is a place where successes and failures are equally discussed and everyone learn. In 2018, I attended many events, but I will never forget a very lively workshop on 'Human Centered Approaches' fully run by young professionals from Tanzania and South Africa. If you have an idea or just like to attend, this is the time to mark in your diary and submit your ideas.