The submission phase for the Taspo Awards has started
TASPO Awards Winner 2023

The submission phase for the Taspo Awards has started

The TASPO Awards are once again honoring the best in the entire industry this year. The submission phase for this year's competition has started. As of now, you can once again apply in a wide range of categories. From horticultural and landscape gardening companies to florists and owner-managed garden centers to suppliers to the green industry, you can present your projects and services to an expert jury and the entire industry.

Take your chance and impress our expert jury with your projects and products. Find out everything about the submission here ?

IPM ESSEN is the headline sponsor for the Gold Award. The jury has the sole right of nomination for the special Entrepreneurial Personality of the Year award.

Presenter Laura Wontorra and Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO MESSE ESSEN, warmly congratulated Carolin Melle on winning the IPM Gold Award 2023

The winners will be honored and celebrated for their innovative and special projects and achievements at the festive gala at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Berlin. The TASPO Awards Gala offers a unique platform for networking within the industry and is the highlight of the year for all companies that want to make a difference in their field. So be there and keep October 25, 2024 free now.

TASPO Awards Gala 2023 at Grand Hyatt Hotel Berlin

Bildquelle: TASPO Awards | Fotograf Andreas Schwarz

Laura Wontorra Carolin Melle MELLE - die G?rtnerei

#messeessen #ipmessen #ipm #ipmessen2024 #ipm2024 #wirsindipmessen #weareipmessen #ipmgoldaward #congratsipmessen #taspoawards #taspoawards2024 #taspoawards24 #taspoawards23 #greensector #grünebranche #ipmgoldaward #unternehmerpers?nlichkeitdesjahres #unternehmervisionen #vision?r #laurawontorra #grandhyattberlin #unternehmerpers?nlichkeit #preisverleihung


