Subliminal a book of 400 essays from Covid-19 before and after in 2023.

Subliminal a book of 400 essays from Covid-19 before and after in 2023.

Watering the Opera with plants in place.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 30, 2020

Mon, Jun 29, 8:42 AM Reply Puccini Mums. Better than lethal violets On CBS news From Cilea Potted plants are we all but not forever me at the opera?score.

World Theatre redux to London ? Why, why, why ?

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 29, 2020

Forgive me, but I am worn out by this never ending view of the travails of the elite in the UK. How about the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, the Commedie Francaise in Paris, the Berliner Ensemble ?

Must The Times always , only espouse British culture again and again ? How about Arena Stgae, the Guthrie, the Kennedy Center ?

Russ Duthoit in The NYTimes column and response.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 28, 2020

A prescient and ennobling look forward. Way beyond the horrid glimmers of djt, fascism, 2001, and 1984 but the wealth disparity must be broken. I tried to “buy into Wall St with a few hundred dollars and GM and Lucent stock. They all crashed and I got nothing. Somehow, the Government revived GM and left?[…]

Shades of grey 2020

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 28, 2020

The shades are upon us all. The bullhorn at the top is more desperate and shrill. People are only beginning to understand his toxcicity and the virus as a lethal combination, more deadly and belligerent side by side. His cloying mania exudes a Mussolini like frenzy and the media showcases him every?day.

Flailing godesses w djt

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 28, 2020

Djt Creating his own Gotterdammerung. The fall of the Gods via Richard Wagner. Many people know where that ends. Then again Herr djt is probably clueless about that too. Mein Gott?!!!

Albee with Mao play(lets) once on Broadway (1968/69).

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 26, 2020

Time for a new look at his poor house in 2020/21. Newark, NJ | Really important when Art is also history. In 1969, I bought a copy of Edward Albee’s play BOX-MAO-BOX that ran on Broadway briefly the previous year. When Albee was still alive I tried to get the rights but was told they?[…]

Daily writing?prompt

List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain.

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How wide or deep is this pool, Dr. Fauci ?

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 26, 2020

“Pool testing” seems scary in trunpian speak. Will people think pool hall, pool backyard, indoor, or as a group. Dr. Fauci may be in the pool but few others may want to jump?in.

Djt does in his tie when leaving helicopter.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 25, 2020

New York, New Jersey, CT as regional states have done what it takes despite djt. The “Know Nothing” Party of the mid-19th century dug itself underground becoming the KKK, Dixie-crats, and dare I say it: djt’s base.

Yet, cracks in debase are appearing in the din. In essence, we are winning and losing ground simultaneously in this putrid fulcrum urged on by our Know Nothing President.

Fo Sophocles no

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 25, 2020

Several years ago, I wanted to produce a Dario Fo play in Manhattan, but I couldn’t get the rights. So, I did Sophocles’ instead. A few months later I received a bill from FO’s agent. Incredulously, I informed them we never did the plays. Their bill was withdrawn, but Sophocles did go on?instead.

Mary Trump arrived in July with her best selling book. Oh hum !!!

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 24, 2020

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow ? They may try to take out the weeds but let us know.

Non disclosure agreements are so out of step these days. Your ex-family will stop at nothing to weed you out of theirs.

Tell us all we need to know. Don’t be so dumb to do a pre-publication blitz when they want to blitzkreig you.

Djt wacko waco taxes

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 22, 2020

We have gotten shocks and terror every day by djt as game show in chief display everyday. He has gotten shriller and more demonic day by day. The empty blue seats speak their votes through absence. Mayors and States are making enormous head ways into change and a greater good. Djt seems stuck in standby.?[…]

New Grange in Ireland

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 21, 2020

danielpquinn684Newark, NJ | When I approached this Ancient site, I debated whether or not I would slither through the entrance to see it. Pondering I found the courage as I thought it was a once in a lifetime event, so I entered. It gives one pause on so many elemental levels from light to darkness,?[…]

Vivaldi as La Sonambula in Milan.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 21, 2020

SLEEPWALKING Daniel P Quinn June 1, 2019 Dreadful memory of a sonomolent version of Vivaldi’s Tito Manlio in a 5 hour version at Piccolo Scala. It was in 1979 and preceded the Vivaldi Renaissance. Never heard since but a recording was?made.

Newark, Italy and me (

Daniel P Quinn,·Jun 21, 2020

Newark, Italy and me (Lulu Books)purchased by Newark Library and indexed inWorld Cat as noted below in 2020.Newark, Italy + me / Daniel P. Quinn. — Nascent Newark —The dawn of Newark’s Little Italy (1885-2018) — Presidential history in Newark — Gustav Bourglan’s Newark as prototype for Mount Rushmore — Arshile Gorky’s commission at Newark Airport — The Morris Canal became Raymond Boulevard — Quintet for Newark [poem] — A Newark reflection (1967-2017) — Alexander, Paterson, and Lyons, France [poem] — Let’s meet Paterson’s sister, Lyons, France — Cuinn banned by Victoria [poem] — Pabst beer and Hoffman soda — Metropolitan Opera star Maria Jeritza (1888-1982) was music history in Newark — Symphony Hall was originally named the Mosque Theatre — Newark in the age of Trump on Trump listening to Beethoven in Europe — Louis Bamberger and my family history (1927 to 2003) — Newark as insurance mecca (1845-2018) — Broadway “Grand Guignol” featuring Vincent Price & Edgar Allan Poe — Mies van der Rohe’s presence endures (1962-2018) in Century 21 — Newark coming back (2000-18).Newark, Italy + Me.By Daniel P QuinnView this Author’s SpotlightPaperback, 44 PagesPreviewPrice: $24.95Prints in 3-5 business daysNewark has many histories including G. Antonio Basso who emigrated from Italy to Newark, NJ in 1900. Antonio Basso was my Grandfather who came to America at age 14. Newark has many artistic roots including Armenia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, France which are featured in Newark, Italy + Me.Immigration is a ongoing event.The past is indeed prologue to our present and future. Welcome to my Newark, Nevarca and the new old sod in New Jersey.Daniel P Quinn also wrote:”Exits + Entrances, 25 years off-Broadway, Opera and Beyond”; Short Plays to Long Remember (TNT) and “organized labor”. These books are for sale at;; Amazon Books or order at your independent book store or on the web.

American Phantasmagoria ( comes to life across the country.

Daniel P Quinn,·May 29, 2020

American Phantasmagoria (Lulu 2020) danielpquinn684 Newark, NJ | in The New York Times Let’s look further back at the terrible immigrant history by the WASPS against almost anyone else. From the Irish being crushed in the Civil War Draft Riots followed by “No Irish Need Apply” in 1870’s NYC. Discrimination against my Italian immigrant Family?[…]

Dr Acton a heroine for Ohio and all of us.

Daniel P Quinn,·May 6, 2020

danielpquinn684 | Newark, NJ

Dr Acton should be broadcast as a public service on all the networks (and trump should be forced to watch it). His Lincoln Memorial act (still makes me shudder). That event was a scandal. Dr Acton like Cuomo is a voice for humanity and the greater good for all of us. Even after sheltering in place since early March, I do thank them both.

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American Phantasmagoria 3plays on by Daniel P Quinn

Daniel P Quinn,·May 3, 2020

via American Phantasmagoria By Daniel P Quinn

American Phantasmagoria ( By Daniel P Quinn

Daniel P Quinn,·Apr 30, 2020

American Phantasmagoria


Daniel P Quinn

1938-2020 Looking back, moving forward on Broadway and Off.

Daniel P Quinn,·Apr 10, 2020

Passion Play Director Asks Fairness for McNally

May 31, 1998 in The New York Times

As one who has experienced, first-hand, a media frenzy as the co-director of the Passion Play at the Park Performing Arts Center in Union City with its black Jesus, I can certainly sympathize with the problems Terence McNally faces with the Manhattan Theater Company’s cancellation of his play ”Corpus Christi” under threats of violence.

The substance and the issues here are being lost once again to the banner headlines and the forces of reaction in the church.

In last year’s controversy, the death threats came to my voice mail, and we received an avalanche of coverage about our nontraditional casting. But what is this all about? Wasn’t Love the last commandment? Can’t new ideas, even if controversial, be at least thought about in an open artistic setting?

Let’s read the script and then decide about its virtues rather than take cover.

Daniel P Quinn offered ArtsPR in cyber moods from 2020-22.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jul 20, 2018

Moving into cyber ArtsPR after our notable Community programs at Oradell Library, Watchung Booksellers, Syrian Bakery,Paterson, Fair Lawn Library, and the William Carlos Williams Center in Rutherford. Hunkering down with a lively presence on The New York Times web site with numerous published comments as well.

Heritage of Lyons, France/Paterson, NJ, and Newark Museum Arts all appear in my various books at or Author House. They include Newark, Italy, and Me (

Newark Italy and Me ( from 1666-2019 was given 5 stars by PRIMO magazine on

My Irish Italian life in medium and out

Daniel P Quinn,·Feb 12, 2018

Daniel P Quinn appeared at Italian-American Museum w/Christine Conforti in NYC.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jan 27, 2018

Daniel P Quinn program on Italian American History and organized labor.

Short Plays to Long Remember are now part of American Phantasmagoria by Daniel P Quinn in 2022.

Daniel P Quinn,·Nov 30, 2017

There is an allusion to Mary Lincoln in my play FANGS TO RICHES as part of American Phantasmagoria. Attached is a gripping Civil War article not by me, but important as history with djt’s assault on Gettysburg.Gettysburg’s Angel: A young South Jersey nurse saved lives and soothed the dying amid the carnage of the Civil War’s epochal clash.By Charles H. Harrison | | June 10, 2013Cornelia Hancock, far right, at the time of the Civil War. Bottom right: Camp Letterman, the field hospital where she served at Gettysburg.Photo-Illustration by Doug Stern.

Daniel P Quinn books on Lulu and Author House from 2005/22.

Daniel P Quinn,·Jan 30, 2014

Daniel P Quinn and ArtsPRunlimited, Inc. announce that “organized labor: Collected Poems is joined by Exits & Entrances, 25 Years Off-Broadway, Opera & Beyond. For artists immersed in the world of movement, music and color, it seems a natural progression to also let their talents spill onto blank pages. Quinn achieves this beautifully. A tribute?[…]

A Greater Newark Naples Project for?NJPAC/Napoli ?

Daniel P Quinn,·Apr 29, 2013

Daniel P. Quinn debuted Edward Bond’s play DEREK for Theatre for the 20th Century at Rutgers University and NJIT in 1989. His poetry and plays appeared in American Phantasmagoria (Lulu 2020) and also in Short Plays to Long Remember (TNT). THE ROCKING CHAIR was originally published by Essex County College, and his poetry by the Newark Library. Mr. Quinn also gives history tours of Newark, Paterson, and Manhattan. The First ward Italian neighborhood was where his Grandfather landed in Newark from Italy about 1899. He was also a member of The Drama Guild at St Benedicts Prep in Newark, which recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary hosted by Frank Torok and Pat Flynn in 2012 and in 2018. He also wrote Exits & Entrances (2007) a Theatre Memoir from l981-2006. (AuthorHouse 2007). He was formerly also with the Irish

Arts Center where he served as Associate Producer, and Guest Director.

His notable works included the World Premiere production of Janet

Noble’s Away Alone; the NY Premiere of Graham Reid’s Remembrance, the

NY Premiere of Tom Murphy’s The Gigli Concert with Kate Burton in a

well received staged reading and the Obie Award for Tim McDonnell as

Best Actor in Diary of a Madman.

He produced Frank and Malachy McCourt’s A Couple of Blaguards, Trouble

& Strife Theatre’s Now and at the Hour of our Death, and received the

Irish Institute Award. This was his Award winning production of John Maguire’s l877

melodrama Honesty is the Best Policy. He also co-directed the

controversial Black Jesus Passion Play at the Park Theatre in Union

City, NJ. At the Bickford Theatre in Morristown he was a Guest

Producer with John J. Trause’s epic Latter Day Litany, and William

Butler Yeats’ PURGATORY, AFTER THE BALL; and BEFORE THE CRASH at the Bickford Theatre in the Morris Museum. He was also active as a producing scout at the Dublin Theatre Festival

as a guest of Aer Lingus. Prior presentations of Organized Labor have

been seen at Bridgeton Poetry Center, Grover Cleveland Birthplace,

William Carlos Williams Center, Landmark Books, Bowery Poets Cafe,

Cafe Local, Morris Museum, Il Trapezio Cafe, the Irish Arts Center in

NYC and Nutley, Secaucus, Belleville Libraries and Italian American

Museum on Mulberry St in NYC.

A Salute to Moliere in Century 21.

Daniel P Quinn,·Apr 29, 2013

“Molière” ? Extraordinary epic film of life and work of Moliere (1622-1673). Gripping, beautiful, tribute to Moliere by Ariane Mnouchkine (a favorite director of mine). “Molière” was entered in the 1978 Cannes Film Festival and shown on PBS in 1980. It is a profound retort to the TARTUFFE zoomcast by FIAF in NYC. January 1980?[…]

“organized labor” with contacts from Biella to Biricchino (1913-2013) in NYC.

Daniel P Quinn,·Apr 29, 2013

ArtsPR and my Basso Family and Botto connections at Biricchino, NYC.

The Paterson Silk Strike Pageant at nearby Madison Square Garden in 1913 is part of my “organized labor” (Author House). The Botto Family hosted workers at the residence in Haledon, after striking workers were banned from Paterson, NJ.

Owners of Biricchino hail from the same

regional capital Biella in Piedmonte and savor the cuisine

of Biella and Piedmonte. We also met the Archivist of

Madison Square Garden about our Centennial Program whom we have

met and presented her with some documentation on the Pageant for their

archival collection in NYC. There was also a factory fire in Newark in







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