?? The Subjective Science of Synchronization ??
Israel Bouseman
I help people remember who they Truly are. * Teacher, Astrologer, Intuitive Counsellor, and Energetic Healer
Hello, my friends!
Today's share is a portion of a short course I've created on Superconscious Integration.
I hope you enjoy! And if you have any questions or would like to explore this more deeply, just let me know.
Thanks and blessings!
"The Subjective Science of Synchronization
Now I’ve made mention a few times of the need for a new subjective science to navigate the superconscious.
And, because synchronization is the practical key to the applied science of consciousness, it stands at the center of our new subjective science.
Synchronization is the mechanism of miracle and magic, which are expressions of the superconscious in human life.
But I realize that all of this can sound really fringe, so let’s break it down.
First off, let’s get into some physics.
We had some absolutely groundbreaking discoveries in physics in the early 1900’s.
Relativity and quantum mechanics.
And, though these new insights have allowed the creation of the digital era, we haven’t really caught up with their implications on a human level.
Our whole conception of the world is based on the idea of the objective world.
This space that exists, independent of the observer, with certain set qualities which would be the same to all observers.
Because it is what it is! A cup is a cup!
If it’s really going 50mph, but it looks to me like it’s going 30mph, then my senses are biased, and 50mph is the “true speed”.
Relativity tells us that this is not the case.
There is no True Speed.
There is only the speed relative to this frame of reference, relative to that frame of reference.
The idea of the objective world is basically the idea that there is a center to the universe, a fixed point of reference against which the true value of everything could be determined.
You could think of it like a big box (an infinite extent) of space with stuff in it, material objects.
That’s basically our model of the universe. (Not for physicists, we just haven’t caught up yet.)
A big box with stuff in it.
But relativity says that there is no box; there’s just the stuff.
There is no center of the universe.
Each element is the center of its own frame of reference and experiences all other elements of the universe in a unique and valid way.
Space is relative to the observer. Time is relative to the observer.
All of what we experience as physical reality occurs in our subjective experience within frames relative to the observer.
This sounds abstract.
What if I were to say it like this:
All that we have directly to speak of our reality is a bubble of space that we move around through the day.
A bubble of sense-experience.
This is what I actually experience, anyway. That and the ever-present “I Am” receiving the experience.
And, though I couldn’t claim to know for certain, it seems likely to me that everyone else I see has this same core I Am, and a bubble of sense experience they carry around as well.
Then we have what we remember and feel, our thoughts and stories and associated emotions, all linked into specific configurations.
We bring this to our sense experience and overlay it, perceiving and interpreting everything in our frame as relative to our experience. Automatically and unconsciously.
So we don’t just see something. We see, and remember, and feel, and stand in relation to, all at once.
This is a blending of our raw sense perception, and the story and emotion we carry in our fields.
Now, it may sound really strange to consider, but what if what we experience, these bubbles of conscious experience, is all there is?
Or rather, instead of a box that we move around in that changes over time, what if we’re navigating our little bubbles of now through all the different fluctuations of possibility?
Little bubbles of Actual Now, amongst a sea of infinite probabilities, condensing reality right at the edges?
And, when we engage with another field of consciousness, our fields synchronize and generate a collective field. A collaboration which unites our frequencies.
And each of us humans, and all other focal points of consciousness, are merging to cocreate this shared experience of the physical.
On the level of the dream, we experience this as a specific physical world.
Specific characteristics and conditions and qualities, specific ways that we feel about it, ways we must or must not act.
And it is our Real! Justifiably so!
What we experience in the Now, physically, is the only Real we get in this space.
It is the nature of this current journey, to experience the physical and remember the Spirit, to both savor the sweetness of a journey in the body, and to learn and grow as we can only here.
So the superconscious is not a way to escape the physical. The physical is a beautiful framework, and one that we have chosen to work with for the benefits it offers.
But we can choose how this Now unfolds into the next, and navigate through the flow of both inner and outer experience.
I tend to see it as bubbles of consciousness playing out dances in relation to one another.
We’re all, in the background, seamlessly creating the context of the experience, dreaming it so fully that it becomes real.
Even while our Now slides and shifts to reflect the growth and changing conditions of our inner world.
There’s another interesting feature of this subjective frame.
Every single bit of the world that we experience is alive.
Bubbles of consciousness creating humans, creating animals, plants, the earth, the heavenly bodies and qualities and vibrations and all that is in existence.
All is birthed from consciousness, and all has an element of consciousness in its nature.
And together, our focal points of consciousness offer solidity to one another, becoming the context of one another’s journey in the physical.
This is what a model of the human experience looks like from the perspective of the subjective sciences.
From the perspective of what we as humans actually experience.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that this is pretty far out there as a contrast to the mechanical model of the world.
But when it comes to consciousness, to working with the superconscious, or with meaning and story and anything human, it works extremely well.
The “bubbles of consciousness” model allows for each subjective universe to be valid (freedom), while showing the means of productively collaborating (right relation).
Weaving our dreams together, each playing their own part in the symphony.
And this perspective also highlights consciousness as the key to shifting our experience of the Now.
All of the situations we experience are a collaborative reflection of our thoughts, feelings, stories, expectations, beliefs, habits.
The outer world is a reflection of the inner.
The objective perspective of reality has been, and continues to be, very useful for working within the physical parameters of our common frame.
And now, as we are beginning, culturally, to look more deeply inward, we need to supplement this objective perspective with a subjective one.
One which makes space for infinite valid expressions of any situation, rather than just one “right” way of understanding it.
And the beautiful thing is that there are many traditions which share this same subjective perspective.
In Toltec shamanism, the human being is described as an egg or cocoon of light.
The experience of the physical arises from the meeting of threads within the cocoon, with those in the sea of energetic threads around it.
(Emanations of the eagle, all potential vibrations, qualities, and relations)
Consciousness, or the energetic aspect of things, is considered the foundation of reality, and the physical is that which emerges by relation.
Consciousness precedes and directs the physical, and our experience of the physical is a variable function directed by the engagement of consciousness.
Tribal cultures recognize the consciousness of all living beings, and teach their young to respect and honor that consciousness.
This is one of the core lessons, because we are all interdependent, culturally, ecologically. We share this space, and all parts of it are conscious, in their own way.
In a way that we can connect with directly and meaningfully.
So our role as humans is to be stewards of the land, honoring and supporting right relation in our interactions with one another, with the earth, and with Spirit.
Finding a harmonious connection with all beings within the sea of consciousness that forms the context of our experience.
And when you relate consciously (in a human sense) with all beings you encounter, human and other, that relationship comes into balance. It becomes healthier.
All that we experience in the world is an expression of consciousness, and we experience this consciousness as focal points, such as living beings. (But not only as living beings.)
Bubbles of consciousness surrounded by and engaging with bubbles of consciousness to create the entire physical experience.
So, we have relativity explained in an intuitive way: our experience of the world comes from the relation between focal points of consciousness.
No absolute center of the world.
Each Being the center of the world, each experiencing a real situation relative to its frame.
Relativity means everything is relative. Even space and time.
Which means that the objective view (the frame upon which science depends for its validity!), while practical in a certain context, has been upended as a fundamental view of reality.
It’s not really a box. It just looks like it. ;)
Now, we have to make space for reality being a fundamentally subjective experience.
This doesn’t make what we have been experiencing any less real than it always has been to us.
But it makes way for infinite expansion, infinite perspectives, and infinite ways of engaging with the context of our experience.
Now, a key concept in this space is that consciousness is singular.
This doesn’t mean that your consciousness doesn’t exist. That’s silly. You're conscious within your frame, within the current context of this incarnation. (Just like everything else!)
What it means is that the I Am at the core of your being, is the same as the I Am at the core of my being, and all beings!
It means, All is One. Everything in existence is an expression of the same I AM of fundamental consciousness, and each carries the I AM of fundamental consciousness at its core.
We are all focal points and elaborations of the same fundamental consciousness which pervades the universe, which precedes the universe and wills it into being.
All is One!
Now, this is kind of hard to swallow.
Because I’m here, you’re there, and it’s pretty obvious I’m me and not you.
So, we have the appearance of the many.
That’s how the world looks and feels to us, it’s our biological and conceptual bias.
We experience ourselves as apart from the world, except for the fact that we don’t.
Everything that we see is our sight, everything that we hear is our sound, everything that we experience is us, on a fundamental perceptual level.
Our bodies are composed of particles taken up from the living creatures in the world around us. And they will return these particles to the earth.
We are a part of the same Earth, sharing the same Spirit, One Spirit focused through these eyes for this journey.
And the same Spirit shining from the eyes of anyone I encounter, shining from the trees and the crickets and the birds and humming softly in the wind.
We are each focal points of consciousness, anchored into a specific, human body, which experiences the world relative to its physical, emotional, and mental conditions.
The body and the Being experiences one specific expression, one specific vibration, of the infinite potential of Spirit.
And that’s what makes us unique.
Each person is a specific and unique configuration or vibration, on a unique journey, with a perspective that they alone have.
Witnessing and participating in Creation from just that angle of Being.
I remember a time, pondering reincarnation, thinking that there’s no reason I could see for a soul, as an expression of consciousness, to be bound by form.
So we might die and come back as anything. A tree. A blade of grass. A cell.
And I saw no reason for the soul to be bound by time. So we could, conceivably, come back thousands of years ago, thousands of years in the future.
We might even overlap in time, meeting ourselves here and there.
In fact, if that was the case, how many souls would you need, at minimum, to create everything you experience, all of this around us?
Just one. Looping back and forth in time, taking on every single form, playing every role, meeting itself at every turn.
Each focal point of consciousness offering something unique and distinct to the fundamental consciousness from which it was evoked.
Each life a precious lesson in a string of infinite experiences.
Each being an expression of the same consciousness that’s living this life.
In Lak'ech: You are the other me.
Namaste: The light within me is the same as the light within you, and when we are in that light, we are One.
The beautiful thing about this is that it changes the focus of our interactions with others (and ourselves), to recognize the same fundamental consciousness, the same divinity, in all.
Viewing the world in this way inspires respect and right relation.
In honoring the One within all, and within ourselves, we relate with the world from a different space.
So, we are One, but it seems like we are many?
Why is that? How does that happen?
“Why” is a big question, and our answers to it are the foundation of magical and spiritual traditions.
Much wisdom can be found by meditating on the Why in the appearance of the many and the Truth of the One. The little I and the big I.
But for the purposes of our discussion, the better question is How?
If All is One, how does one thing seem to be different from another?
Out of the infinite and singular sea of consciousness and the energy which reflects the information of consciousness, why is one thing separate from another?
You’ve heard the quote from Tesla, right?
If you want to know the secrets of the universe, look at energy, frequency, and vibration?
Our body behaves as if it is separate from the rest of the universe because all of the bits are entrained with one another.
All the bits of our being, on many levels, are in resonance.
The vibrations of these portions of the infinite have synchronized, and the body behaves like a “one thing.”
For any “thing”, it is resonance that causes it to act as a separate thing, rather than a cloud of potential, or a random scattering of particles.
This is a synchronization on many levels.
In the body, we are synchronized on physical, structural, electrical, and chemical levels. As well as in subtler levels of emotion, thoughts, and awareness.
All the parts of our being, physical and subtle, come together into a harmony to form the standing wave of our separate body and consciousness.
Our bodies are incredibly complex, and each of these systems has a certain degree of autonomy.
So, we have the capacity to desynchronize, emotions going one way, body going another, thoughts going another, energy and focus scattered.
However, we face consequences when we desynchronize.
We become at odds with ourselves, slowing our own growth and clouding our awareness.
Eventually, our physical health is impacted as well.
Health is free-flowing energy, which means energy that flows freely without restriction or impediment, throughout the whole being.
And, when various aspects of our being are moving in different directions, it interferes with the smooth flow of energy.
We get blockages and imbalances, distortions from the healthy template.
So much of healing is learning to once more synchronize and harmonize the various aspects of our being.
Synchronizing, on this level, means bringing the body, heart, mind, and Spirit all together, acting in unison.
Energy freely flowing through the body and field, without tension and blockage.
And we could also describe synchronization in terms of bringing the conscious and subconscious functions together.
When our conscious mind pushes one direction, and the subconscious mind pushes another, we have to work harder to do less.
We have to work, just to stand still.
It’s exhausting, and, since we are not taught how to navigate these spaces, this is par for the course for most human beings.
When we learn to harmonize the function of conscious and subconscious minds, we gain clarity and focus.
We become healthier and more vital, as we are no longer fighting ourselves to exhaustion. We become more emotionally clear and self-aware.
And, in the process, something really amazing happens.
In stilling the inner turbulence, we connect with a place within that can resonate with other aspects of our experience.
We begin to feel and perceive everything around (and within) on a deeper level, as soon as we have a quiet space from which to view it.
We gain a new set of inner senses, all by stilling our own vibrations so we can read the subtle ones which arise within in response to anything we tune in to.
In a subtler way, we can synchronize with others as well. We call this rapport, and humans do it naturally.
When you’re flowing in conversation, breath tends to match up, body language, even heart rate if the connection is deep enough.
Humans, quite naturally, synchronize and act as a one-thing.
This is incredibly powerful!
When we synchronize and share a common focus, the power builds exponentially.
Because, after all, we are really living in a psychological reality, and we collectively create a bubble of shared experience, all unconsciously.
When we synchronize with shared intention, we move together consciously. We collectively shift our relation to the world, and it moves in kind.
We align our efforts, just like the atoms in a piece of iron can be aligned to act like a magnet.
And the aligned efforts of two people are many times stronger than those of one.
Humans grow exponentially stronger as we synchronize with one another.
This is why group ritual is powerful and why we have such a strong impact on the world when we form community and tribe.
Humans shift from moment to moment, so these alignments are fluid.
We see synchronization used in every single religious ceremony, in one way or another
And background synchronization is reinforced with stories, cultural identity, lifestyle, and shared circumstances.
All of these things, in a subtle way, bring a group of individuals into sufficient resonance to form a community, a one thing with a life of its own.
Our culture, our family, our tribe, our civilization, all are formed through a resonance of common language, story, lifestyle, and shared physical context.
Things in resonance like this, become one-things, operating as a whole, and reflecting (imperfectly) the consciousness of the One.
In other words…
One-things become alive and conscious, whether they are colonies of ants, multicellular bodies composed of trillions of tiny beings, or human culture with its complexity and individual activity.
Now that probably sounds a bit strange.
I like to think about it in terms of nested consciousness.
Like, a single cell from my body is a complete being, a full expression of the I Am within its context.
That is a “me”, and at the same time, it’s part of the “me" that I know as the whole body. Both at once, it is itself, and part of a larger being.
Just like ants or bees.
They are separate organisms, but they form a superorganism that has a life – and consciousness! – of its own.
The consciousness of the bee within that of the hive.
The consciousness of the cell, within that of the body.
And the consciousness of the body, within that of the superorganisms we form with the human race, with our local environment, with the Earth herself.
Our body the cell of a larger organism, which is the cell of a larger, and every single one an expression of the One within that specific context. :D
So what does this mean for us?
For one, it means our minds access information from the shared field of fundamental consciousness.
Quantum consciousness if you want to call it that. Or you could call it the dreaming. Or Brahma.
These are all names that we have used at some point in history to describe the same fundamental field of consciousness.
It’s infinite. It is One. It is All. It is all power and all potential, and holds all thoughts, all realizations, all insights, all potential forms.
We can access a thought if our mind is sufficiently close to the resonance of that thought.
Intuitive work makes use of this, using the intention to focus on a question, or a person, or a situation, and then entering a space of invitation.
And, into this still space of invitation, energetic impressions arise, pulling us into resonance with certain thoughts, certain feelings.
These impressions are initially unformed, and the personal aspect of our consciousness puts it into words and concepts.
Because on the level of the dreaming, we are working with the pure vibration of the thought itself.
Like the shape of the thing, without the details and contrasts.
This space contains all potential relations (infinite!), so our intention draws to us those relations which are relevant, out of the infinite seas of all possible relations.
This sounds complex, but it’s just the words that make it seem so.
We do this all the time, every day. It’s how we think.
I love the example of going fishing, or Archimedes’ “Eureka!” moment.
Aha! Moments come when we make a little space.
We naturally make space when doing reflective activities. Going fishing. Taking a shower. Sitting on the toilet. Taking a walk.
We make space, and ideas occur.
Before this time, we have primed our mind with a question, some subtle form of intention.
And the subconscious works on this in the background, adopting a resonance in line with these thoughts and feelings.
And then, as soon as we make space, the realization jumps forth, sometimes fully formed and more intricate than we could have consciously constructed.
Intuitive work is learning how to do this on purpose.
Learning how to send back a clear intention, and create a space of invitation to listen for emerging impressions. Easily, allowing instead of forcing.
And then learning to partner the conscious with the deeper function turning these unformed impressions into clear and valid insight and knowledge.
It’s an art that we become better at as we engage consciously with it.
And human beings are incredibly sensitive, incredibly tapped in. We’re always picking up something, though we’re often unaware of it.
And that brings me to empathy!
Just like the subtle pull that brings us into resonance in rapport, we are always (subconsciously) aware of the emotional and mental currents around us.
We always feel it, we always hear all the thoughts around.
But we often are unconscious of these impressions, perhaps loud in mind, consciously focused elsewhere, second-guessing, wondering if we’re just imagining it.
When we bring our field into resonance with another, we enter a shared emotional and mental space, where these things occur equally to both sides.
And we notice it, too. It’s almost like we can finish one another’s thoughts. We’re on the same frequency.
And when the resonance shifts, and the experience shifts.
The word empath means someone who naturally tends to synchronize with people they engage with.
Now, we all do this, to some extent, and it’s part of normal human interaction, though often from an unconscious angle.
However, some people hold their frequency a bit more fixedly, and others tend to shift and accommodate to the frequencies around them.
Both have value. It can be very helpful to hold a clear frequency, regardless of the influences in your environment. Steadfastness, determination, a nucleus around which people can orient.
Holding space involves learning how to hold a clear frequency, maintaining that kind of focus in the space.
It can also be helpful to synchronize your frequency with those you engage with. It creates a One Thing, and this One thing can be moved by either party, and both will be carried along.
Just think about when you’ve comforted a friend in need.
If you’re a natural empath, you will tend to match their emotional space, and then slide into a calmer space, helping them to come with you.
Synchronize, to create a one-thing with shared emotions and mental space.
Move consciously within the one-thing, to shift all that is connected with it, both yourself and your friend.
Think about this with a storyteller, or singer, or counselor.
Or, think about the behavior of a mob of people in those moments where they get lost in the action.
The people synchronize into a one-thing, a being with a primal impulse, guided by the emotional resonance.
And this can be conscious, beautiful, and creative, or it can be unconscious, ugly, and destructive. Either way, it is incredibly powerful.
Conscious community, a resonance formed of conscious people, has the capacity to bring us back into balance.
But we have loads of work to do, individually and culturally, to bring it in and tip the scale.
Ok, back to our higher faculties: inspiration!
Inspiration is a mystical thing that can often leave us dumbfounded at our own creations.
Creativity and vision come to us through the dreaming, through buddhi, the higher mind (linked with the 3rd eye or 6th chakra).
The impressions from the higher mind are then shaped into something comprehensible by manas, the lower mind. (Throat, followed by ahamkara at solar plexus [the “I” maker])
The lower mind is the unconscious labeling function of our personal subconscious. That which names things and places them into conceptual relation.
So again, we synchronize with a particular inspiration, allowing it to flow in, and then flowing with it in word or song or brushstroke or movement.
Bringing inspiration from the superconscious, through the subconscious, and then flowering into activity or creative expression.
Next, manifestation.
What we often describe as manifestation is a matter of resonance as well, navigation to certain types of situations in the outer world.
To points in outer experience which match the frequency we hold within.
Even our experience of physical reality is a matter of synchronization.
Synchronizing our perception with certain kinds of focal points and interpretations.
Synchronizing our emotions and thoughts with certain kinds of experiences.
Which exerts a pull into the outer world as well, showing up as specific interactions, experiences which feel a certain way, observations which reflect our thoughts and expectations.
Resonance is the key that brings all of the higher faculties into focus. Synchronization.
And, in practical terms, this means working directly with emotion, intention, and attention.
This is a key to the subjective sciences! Emotion and intention are the mechanism.
There are no magic words or rituals that operate apart from their influence upon our emotion and intention.
All rituals are tools of consciousness, focusing emotion and intention to invite a specific vibration.
Tuning our being to synchronize with the desired quality or effect.
And, once you understand that, you can use whatever outer form is appropriate for you.
You don’t have to pray a certain way, or perform a ceremony in a specific way, or think about the world in terms of one fixed story.
Once you go to the core and learn to work directly with emotion and intention, you transcend the form of all subjective arts.
When we understand the why behind the practice, we can shift from maintaining the form of the practice, to honoring the essence through conscious engagement with the living moment.
Then we learn the inward arts of attention, single-point focus, and the state of invitation.
We learn, in other words, to work with our inner being in such a way as to allow genius and knowledge and vision and incredible ability to flow through.
The greater the space of stillness within, the more easily we can attune and allow, processing and accessing information on a higher level (learning, analyzing). moving in a flow state.
This is the space that you learn when doing tai chi, and from this space, you can move effortlessly and produce great force.
Learning it like this is learning it within a particular frame, which is that of motion and force and energy and breath.
But we can extend the practice beyond the initial frame and into every aspect of our lives.
This same state of intention, invitation, and flow can be used to learn anything, and to dance with anything you wish to do or cultivate, getting better results with less effort.
You can dance with the winds of the world.
It takes balance, clarity, and awareness to engage with the moment in this way.
And it takes time to train ourselves to make this our baseline, to make it natural to us.
But, once we do this, we enter a space of graceful flow instead of push.
We glide and magnetize, and the shifts that we experience in the world are incredible.
Humans are amazing! And we have created so many ways of connecting with and structuring our relation with the superconscious throughout the ages.
The challenge is that we have too many, very specific arts with long traditions and heavy lineages, which access a specific aspect of the superconscious in a specific way.
But we are blessed, in the modern era, with the opportunity to review all of these traditions, to learn them deeply and understand both their essence and uniqueness.
We can find, in the commonalities they all share, recurring elements which reflect the fundamental human relationship with the superconscious experience.
And the beautiful thing about this is that our means of connecting with the superconscious is rooted in our body.
More accurately, the human experience of the superconscious comes through the harmonization of all levels of the being.
Which means we have to work with the body, and the emotions, and the thoughts, and the energy, to bring everything together into synchrony.
So that we can freely channel the inspiration and energy of fundamental consciousness, transform it into something sensible, and act upon it.
The more we understand about the levels of our being, the more we can bring all of these levels on board and align with a single, clear intention, supported with an appropriate emotion.
The more we can bring it all together into inspired action.
Each approach to the superconscious is one way of formulating emotion and intention.
All energetic practices, rituals, prayers, all spiritual processes are means of focusing emotion and intention.
Consciousness guides the unfoldment of the physical experience, so when intention and emotion are formulated clearly and directly, it influences our experience.
The stories we learn set emotion and intention on autopilot in the background of our experience.
Ideally protecting and guiding us, having a beneficial impact on our journey.
Though in our unconsciousness, we often use our inner stories to establish challenging situations without intending to.
Without realizing their creative power, the formative influences of our stories upon our experience.
Stories are misused (used in limiting or imbalance ways) even within certain religious traditions, simply because we have forgotten the power of the word, and the sovereign nature of our being.
On that level, understanding the nature and principle of the superconscious helps us to understand the essence behind spiritual insights from all traditions!
The current understanding of these things is often intellectualized. But once you begin working directly with the superconscious, all those spiritual books start making more sense.
Plus, each tradition has certain beautiful practices, certain key insights or amazing ways of working with the world.
And you and I, today, we are of a global heritage.
We can draw from the wisdom and blessings of all the people that came before us, making use of all the genius of the ancient and modern world combined.
In understanding the essence, you are given space to transcend the form.
When you can celebrate and cultivate consciousness in any activity, in any moment, you bring the sacred into every corner of your life and make your life a living practice.
Energetic practices, rituals, prayers, walking, washing dishes, sweeping the porch, folding the clothes, eventually every single thing becomes an expression of this living practice.
Personal, attuned to our own unique perspective and journey, making our own meaning in relation to the world.
With a living practice every single moment, we become sensitized to the energetic currents of life.
We learn to flow with these currents in a way that builds and enhances our vitality, expresses our purpose, and brings deep, centered, inner freedom.
It takes years to learn one practice properly, much less ten or fifteen, to such an extent that you could work through the mazes of each and integrate them productively in your life.
And, you must be able to see the core of the art very clearly, and apply it creatively to explore your personal relation to it, making it practical rather than just theoretical.
It would take a lifetime, maybe more.
That’s what I’ve been doing! It’s been my passionate, monomaniacal focus since I was a young child.
That’s what I have dedicated my life to, and that’s what I’m passionate to share with the world.
The streamlined core of the new subjective science, which can then be built upon, as we humans do, to bring a deeper relationship with consciousness into our collective experience."
Founder of the DFY Media | Video Editor | Mentor and a Youth Life Coach
2 个月Thanks for sharing brother