Straight from the Logger's Mouth
Good hardworking professionals in the woods are hard to can you keep great workers when you do find them? Here is some advice straight from the logger's mouth.
“Showing respect and appreciation goes a long way.”
“It don’t matter if you have a cull or a king you treat a cull like **** then they will never become a king. Simple as that. If they’re a cull send em packing if not continue showing some appreciation and they will work to prove themselves.”
“When you find a worker with lots of potential treat them like an investment. Send them and pay for a certified training course. Treat them like family. Keep them busy cuz they need to make a living too.”
“Don’t treat them like a number.”
“Surround yourself with good hands and treat them right, and lead by example, nobody will work with an A$&hole for long”
“I am a $15, $20, $30 an hour operator, all depends on the company and the competency of the team and moral”
“Hire for values, not skill. Hire people whose values align with your own, you can always teach new skills and get better work performance from an employee. But you can’t teach values.”
“Seems like experience doesn’t pay….it get discouraging to have 30 years experience and only make $2 more per hour than a kid that’s only been logging for 6 years.”
“If you ever work for someone good, it will open your eyes to a lot of stuff that employers do.”
“Good help is gonna run good equipment with good pay and a good boss”
“The best company I ever worked for had briefings and debriefings like the military every day poi talked for 30 minutes before and 30 minutes at the end of the day. And when hiring new guys it was a week trial period and on Friday the whole crew voted ya in or out”
“I have worked for some great people and not so great. The best ones gave me a job to do and let me do it. The worst ones were micro managers that had to be involved with every single aspect of the job. I was always having to wait for their approval of things.”
“Treat them like a human being.”
“Pay em good, treat them good…from my experience as a contractor.”
“Won’t ask a man to do a job that I was not willing to do myself.”
“Happy employees work longer and much more efficiently that unhappy ones.”
Take it or leave it, this is what they think.