Subject to Change
Exalt the LORD our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy! PSALM 99:5 NLT
I am the King of heaven—trust in My assuring hope.
I am your Leader to the Promised Land—Guide to get you home.
Present circumstances may discourage—remember they will not last.
Sad chapters will not ruin the happy ending of My love story.
Trouble is temporary—you will live to tell about it.
I am your Shepherd who knows what is best for you—follow Me.
Rely on My salvation—give Me your heart each dawn.
I am the Answer to wandering—cheering your heart.
I am the King of the universe—tremble at My awesome holiness.
I am Perfection beyond law—Authority behind decrees, Truth beneath principles.
My Holy Spirit liberates you from the vicious cycle of sin and death.
You do not have to stay addicted to cravings of your human nature!
Under My control, you experience out-of-the-world peace.
Under My in?uence, you love sacri?cially, celebrate continually,
stay on an even keel on high seas, are kind to everyone you meet,
generously share My blessings with others, hang in there,
gently care for the hurting, and exercise self-control.
I am your Sovereign with your best interests at heart—obey Me.
Revere My Sovereignty—gain victory over evil habits.
I am the Answer to wickedness—challenging you to a holy lifestyle.
I am the King of kings—triumph in My active help.
I am your Power for living—Enabler in every tough situation.
I make Myself at home in your heart—
so resurrection power is yours to live a royal lifestyle.
My Holy Spirit lives in you—rise above your materialistic culture!
Soar above mediocrity, outrun temptation, and outwalk lethargy.
I am your Savior bringing out the best in you—stay close to Me.
Rejoice in My strength—desperately depend on Me and be strong.
I am the Answer to weakness—crowning your humility.
Submit as a willing subject of the King of hearts—be subject to change.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 231, Gentle Whispers from Eternity