Sub-Harmonic Protection Relay S-PRO 4001 Model
The S-PRO sub-harmonic protection relay protects generators, wind turbines, SVC equipment from uncontrollable sub-harmonics which cause:
? Sub-Synchronous Torsional Interaction (SSTI)
? Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI)
? Sub-Harmonic Ferro-resonance
The S-PRO monitors potentially harmful Sub-Synchronous Oscillation (SSO) in real time & detects Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) in transmission lines with power controller interactions such as FACTS or HVDC lines, particularly those lines with series compensation and interconnected with wind farms.
The easy-to-use S-PRO also provides control, automation, metering, monitoring, fault oscillography, dynamic swing recording and event logging with advanced communications.
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