News Vol. 51 - April 2023 (Sustainability & Resilience)
We are a young environmental think-do-be-tank based in Bali. We synergise climate change, energy, and circular business.
Sustainable Innovation Camp is Back!
The second batch of the Tigermov Sustainable Innovation Camp program visited Bali to explore sustainability issues. 21 participants joined the program and they worked on 4 topics based on their interests such as waste, agriculture, children, and animal welfare. Read More...
Catching Up With Our Partners in Europe
In the past month, we have been busy with several meetings and visits related to the LANDMARC General Assembly in Portugal. During our time in Europe, we also had a chance to say hello to our European partners and discuss future collaborations. Read More... Welcomes Partners for Collaboration
We had a wonderful time in April when we welcomed two eminent guests at our Bali office. They were Dr. Tahia Devisscher and Dr. Eric Peterson, who are both renowned for their work in environment and development. Read More...
Realizing the Opportunities of Bioeconomy in ASEAN
Our CEO, Takeshi Takama, was invited to lead a session on realizing bioeconomy in ASEAN countries at the event Alternate Inclusive Pathways to Sustainability in Southeast Asia, which took place in Bangkok. Read More...
Spreading Green Energy and Smiles in Ekasari Village!
We returned to Ekasari Village, where we installed more than 28 biogas digesters. On this visit, we check on the condition of both the biogas digesters and the gas meters. Read More...
Preparing CFS for Farmers
We had a productive meeting with the BMKG Climatology Station Bali to discuss CFS planning in the Bali area. The meeting was held at the Climatology Station Bali Office in Jembrana. Read More ...
领英推荐 and JIKA Chocolat Join Forces to Create Climate-Smart Chocolate!
We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with JIKA Chocolat, a local chocolate company that will support us in processing our Dear Everyone climate-smart chocolate. Read More...
Exploring the Agroforest of Wanagiri
We recently visited Wanagiri, a village in Buleleng Regency, Bali, actively engaged in agroforestry and social forestry. The local people have already started restoration projects supported by BUMDES and occasional donors. Read More...
From Waste to Energy: Innovative Ways to Expand's Biogas Installation Capacity partnered with QS Higher Education to support the learning process of students from Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil), University of Exeter (UK), and Stellenbosch University (South Africa) through Future 17- Sustainable Development Goals Challenge program. Read More...
A Journey of Learning and Discovery: University of Tokyo Students' Research on Organic Farming in Bali
In March, a group of students from the University of Tokyo visited Bali to conduct field research on organic farming. They were interested in learning about the challenges and opportunities for organic agriculture in Bali and presented the results of their research. Read More...