STYSTEMS THINKING: An Essential 21st Century Governance, Management & Leadership Competence

STYSTEMS THINKING: An Essential 21st Century Governance, Management & Leadership Competence

In a recent video interview with me, Stephen Hayes MBE, Chairman of GAP National Resilience Taskforce (Australia) said, talk of simplifying complexity is an inappropriate way of thinking about it. We have complex systems, and we need to be prepared to deal with the ambiguity and uncertainty they create.

He agreed that few leaders are equipped to deal with “messes” or “wicked problems” – two terms used in system thinking to define the characteristics of the nature of problems we so often face now – because they rely on management thinking and tools that were designed for an era in which problems were relatively “tame”.

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This point was also stressed by Prof. Michael C Jackson in his book Critical Systems Thinking and the Management of Complexity (2019, Wiley). He asked, “What help can decision-makers expect when tackling the “messes” and “wicked problems” that proliferate in the age of complexity? They are usually brought up on classical management theory that emphasizes the need to forecast, plan, organise, lead, and control. This approach relies on there being a predictable future environment in which it is possible to set goals that remain relevant into the foreseeable future; on enough stability to ensure that tasks arranged in a fixed hierarchy continue to deliver efficiency and effectiveness; on a passive and unified workforce; and on a capacity to take control action based on clear measures of success. These assumptions do not hold in the modern world, and classical management theory provides the wrong prescriptions.”

The good news is that “systems thinking represents a new way of thinking and provides a toolbox,” said Stephen. And to this comment he added, individuals must develop their thinking, and this requires a level of personal development.

In short, leaders must recognise the importance of systems thinking if they are to make good strategic decisions and plans, and if they are to execute strategy effectively. It is also essential to the effective execution of strategies, plus the recognition and management of associated risks. And this is especially true in relation to the management of major projects and the ability to be adaptable and agile. Resilience, the focus of so many boards and executives post COVID and other crises, is also impossible to achieve without good systems thinking capabilities.


It is because systems thinking is so important, and necessary levels of competency in it so rare, that the Enlightened Enterprise Academy has developed the world’s first executive programme in Critical Systems Thinking and the Management of Complexity DETAILS as an 8-week online programme for a global audience starting October 4th. Video recorded content available on demand will be supplemented by other resourced and weekly live streamed sessions repeated twice on one day for a wide range of time zones.

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Stephen endorsed the programme enthusiastically in the interview and will be on the Advisory Group of the Critical Systems Institute that the Enlightened Enterprise Academy and Mike are currently incubating. We are also working on the related ‘how to’ book for practitioners. Participants in the program will get a copy of the already published book, the book being worked on, and the free first year membership of the institute when it is launched.

A limited number of places remain for the first cohort, so apply now if you would like to join. If all places are taken by the time you apply, and your application is approved, we will invite you to join a cohort in 2023. DETAILS ???????

Rob Karpati

The Blended Capital Group - ESG, Governance, Strategy and Finance Integration Leadership Focused on Impact Delivery

2 年

Strategic thinking and systems thinking are definitely critical and definitely in short supply. For every systemic thinker there are myriad steady-state process managers and planners. There was an interesting article in the Atlantic a little while ago about how McKinsey and other mgmt consulting firms have focused corporate culture on planning, eroding strategy, over a multi-decade period. When it comes to systems thinking, what should MBA, CFA and CPA/CMA programs be teaching? Like you said ‘systems thinking is a core competence for all 21st century decision makers’. The issue is that it’s not core to the education of future business leaders.

Michel Berthus ?

CXO | T-shaped leader | Quality & Business Transformation | Lean Agile Operating Models & Culture | Digital Innovation

2 年

#systemsthinking is an absolute critical Competency! Fully agree.

