Styrene-Butadiene Rubber -SBR
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber-SBR

Styrene-Butadiene Rubber -SBR

What is Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR)?

#SBR rubber does not crystallize when stretched like natural rubber, and therefore is weak unless #reinforced with #carbonblack or other materials. Even so, it is weaker than natural rubber. Its volcanic properties are good and its aging characteristics are satisfactory. More than 70% of produced #SBR is consumed in tire tread, 15% in #mechanical parts and about 10% in the form of leachate.

Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) is widely preferred in many industries today and also called as the world’s only synthetic rubber. SBR, as the chemical substance, is a mixture of approximately 75% butadiene and 25% styrene.

Styrene-butadiene rubber, which is a general purpose synthetic rubber type, is used much more than other synthetic rubbers. It is used in the production of tires for the trucks and automobile by replacing rubber which is resistant to abrasion.

Most of the synthetic rubbers produced worldwide are made of styrene-butadiene rubber. Styrene-butadiene rubber, which contains 23% styrene, becomes harder as this ratio increases and the high resistance to low temperature diminishes.

Styrene-butadiene rubber, similar to natural rubber, has high ozone and atmospheric durability. The temperature range of the styrene-butadiene rubber varies between 50 and 110 °C. The styrene-butadiene rubber, which is irregular in its structure, provides an economic advantage because the rubber is inexpensive.

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Features of SBR ignition

  • It burns in the flame and continues to burn after removing the flame.
  • The flame is yellow with orange and it makes a little noise.
  • It has grayish white smoke with carbon particles.
  • SBR does not drip in the flame.
  • SBR smells like city gas.

Properties of SBR SBR

SBR has excellent erosion resistance, and the more cis and vinyl butadiene are combined in it, the more the erosion resistance of #SBR increases, resistance to wear, good bounce, flexibility at low temperature, resistance to cracking. Heat resistance and impact resistance. are among its other features.

Disadvantages of SBR

  • Low resistance to ozone
  • Low resistance to flame and ignition
  • Very difficult to process
  • Low resistance to gasoline and oil
  • Low resistance to hydrocarbon solvents

Production history of SBR

In general, the copolymer of styrene and butadiene (the amount of butadiene must be more than 50%) is called SBR. The normal ratio of monomers is 70% to 75% butadiene to 25% to 30% styrene. If SBR exceeds 50%, the product becomes plastic and is used in latex production.

#SBR has many functions and because the raw materials for its production are very available and also has a low price, it has taken a large volume of production in the rubber industry and is one of the most widely used and used tires. is counted

Styrene butadiene rubber was developed and developed in Germany before World War II, and during World War II it was widely used to replace natural rubber in the #unitedstates and #Germany.

The mechanical properties of #SBR are lower than NR and, like it, it does not crystallize due to stretching, and therefore it is weak unless it is reinforced with carbon black or other materials, and even then it is weaker than natural rubber.

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Styrene Butadiene Rubber

Advantages and Uses

The most important advantages that increase the use of styrene butadiene rubber are the economic advantage and durability. In addition, the styrene-butadiene rubber is extremely resistant to bases, glycol-based brake fluids, and alcohol. The basic uses of styrene butadiene rubber, which also prevents crystallization, are as follows:

  • Production of automobile tires
  • Shoe manufacturing
  • Washbasin seals
  • Electric industry
  • Sports equipment
  • Washing machine rolls

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For more information and order, please visit our website:

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Ali Yilmaz

Company Owner @ RAHA GROUP | Producer all grade bitumen asphalt

1 年



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