Stupid SHA Checksum changes in npm 5
In version of npm 5, you can see similar failure like
npm WARN registry Unexpected warning for Miscellaneous Warning EINTEGRITY: sha1-UWbihkV/AzBgZL5Ul+jbsMPTIIM= integrity checksum failed when using sha1: wanted sha1-UWbihkV/AzBgZL5Ul+jbsMPTIIM= but got sha512-yJHVQEhyqPLUTgt9B83PXu6W3rx4MvvHvSUvToogpwoGDOUQ+yDrR0HRot+yOCdCO7u4hX3pWft6kWBBcqh0UA==. (11423 bytes)
That’s because npm changed their integrity checksum from sha1 to sha512.
Only packages published with npm@5 or later will include a sha512.
So far, there’s no good solution to it besides, delete node_modules and package-lock.json together and re-run npm install
See community issues:
Good luck!