Stupid bribery scheme. 200 USD card to be mailed to Medicare seniors, to bribe votes for Trump. I would use it, the money for a month of free food.

Hey, TRUMP, since I did not get the 1200 USD CARES check, TRUMP, if you send me the 200 USD card, I am using it for one month of free food, and NO you do NOT get my vote. As it is, TRUMP I got an IRS notice from the Treasury that I could use the 1200 USD non existent CARES check in my name for 2020 tax credits. Thanks a LOT , TRUMP. My tax accountant will get a copy of that letter later this week, and I hope he has fun with it. And with Seniors getting massacred over COVID 19, do I get a free funeral too? I.e. a free burial? Do tell, TRUMP. Here is the notice

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Trump announces he’s mailing 33 million seniors $200 cash cards — before 2020 election

Published 1 min ago on September 24, 2020

By Matthew Chapman 

On Thursday, at his health care address in Charlotte, North Carolina, President Donald Trump announced that he would send out a $200 cash card to 33 million Medicare recipients ahead of the election.

“The America First Healthcare Plan includes another historic provision to benefit our great seniors,” said Trump. “Under my plan, 33 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail containing $200 that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs. Nobody’s seen this before. The cards will be mailed out in the coming weeks. I will always take care of our wonderful senior citizens. Joe Biden won’t be doing this.”

It is unclear what authority Trump is invoking to enact this giveaway.

The president has trailed Biden with voters over 65 in a number of recent polls, struggling with a voting bloc that in the past couple of elections has backed Republicans.

End of quote

I am waiting for you, TRUMP to rescind my 1200 USD tax credit due to the non existent CARES check, and to also do the same as to imaginary 200 USD checks. I.e. Gotta keep up that Norman Peale activity, TRUMP. Believing in yourself is all ? Right

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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