A Stunning Court Ruling
Bill Daggett, Ed.D.
Executive Chair at Successful Practices Network and National Dropout Prevention Center
Start over.
That was the blunt message a Connecticut Superior Court judge delivered in September, ruling that the state must overhaul the way it funds public education. Ruling in a 2005 case known as Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding vs. Rell, Judge Thomas G. Moukawsher said the state was “defaulting on its constitutional duty” to ensure all students receive an adequate education. The state, he said, was letting children in low-income districts fail while helping children in wealthy districts.
What started as a funding equity issue quickly morphed into a school reform issue.
This ruling, combined with issues I’ve raised in previous blogs, suggest the time has come where we must fundamentally change how we organize and fund our schools, once and for all.
I invite you to read my full blog post about this stunning court ruling.