Stumbling Across The Profound

Stumbling Across The Profound

To ‘stumble’ is to trip, lose balance, and almost fall.


To ‘stumble across’ is to find something by chance.


It’s natural to want a smooth, easy path.

However life without stumbles would be easy… and what’s easy gets boring.


Sometimes you find yourself having ‘stumbled’ into a place you didn’t intend to be.

That could be;

A job you didn’t plan for.

A house you didn’t intend to move into.

Habits you didn’t mean to form.

These aren't necessarily missteps. They're part of the journey.


You can stumble up the stairs;


Stumble across a great book.


Stumble your words in a presentation - whilst still getting the message across.


In life, you stumble all the time.

And what we sometimes stumble upon, can be profound.


I stumbled across something profound this week.

A new book. ’Building a Story Brand’ by Donald Miller.

First off, I’m not a marketer, and that’s why I was surprised to find myself reading a book on marketing. However, after chapter one, I was hooked.

If you run a business, speak to customers, or speak to anyone, this book is important to you.

Here are some of my key highlights;

Pretty websites dont sell things. Words sell things.

The Human brain is drawn to clarity, not confusion.

Stories help when communicating as they are a make sense mechanism.

What we think we are saying to our customers and what our customers hear are two different things.

People don't buy the best products they buy the products they can understand the fastest

Your product should solve the three types of problems your customer has; External, Internal & Philosophical.

So, this book… I thought it may have been a waste of time, but turns out, it opened my mind to a new perspective of thinking about customers and writing in general.


The next time you find yourself stumbling—be it over your words, on a step, or in your plans—don’t just write it off as a mistake. See it as an invitation. An invitation to venture out, to uncover something, and maybe, just maybe, to stumble across something profound.



