The Stump

True to my dream!?

Very true to it!?

Nothing was left-?

Just a Stump.?

I had picked it from the garbage. My neighbor had uprooted the entire rose bed and threw it on fire. To my surprise, I ran and picked this one little Miniature!?

I borrowed a hoe, quite bigger than me. My neighbor, twice surprised by now, asked me the reason. She knew that I have never been on soil, and I knew nothing about gardening. Added to that, she saw the good-for-nothing thrash in my hand that she had wiped off her ground. I too was least aware that this Miniature was no better enough to be fixed onto the soil. I cleared a small portion in front of my window (very much inspired by Rose and The Nightingale, Oscar Wilde) and built my garden for the Miniature.?

My father warned my mom’s wrath, but I was determined. Fortunately, she didn’t utter a word thinking that this would be my first and last attempt at creating any garden anywhere. Our area wasn’t quite friendly for gardening. And the place that I particularly chose, was plagued by Sun’s wrath most of the day-time. My neighbor always complained about the efforts she had made in vain. She had finally decided on poultry farming. Miniature had very less chance of Survival!?

I placed it back in the Womb of its Mother. I watered every day and used my umbrella as a shade. Papa gave me a few tips for nourishment. Very soon, I became the Chai-Walli of my house to collect Chai Pathi. I never forgot my daily dose of egg too. Papa had hinted about egg shells too.?

Meanwhile, I became a point in the daily conversation of our colony members. All would come and check at my insanity, smile and sometimes smirk, and give me gardening tips too. As expected, the Miniature drooped and withered. Thanks to the unrelenting slaughter done by the Man of Sky! Leaves shrunk and no beautiful little feathers dared to sprout.?

It was now my mom’s turn. The time was up and I had to hand over the space for the Magnificent?Bougainvillea, deemed to endure anything. I didn’t deny and asked her to use the space beside my Miniature. I knew my mom didn’t like it but this time, she wasn’t ready to argue with the uncompromising girl. I owned my space and I had rented a portion of it!?

I still watered my so-called burnt and already certified ‘Dead’ Miniature. I had no pain or grief or doubt. I believed the Womb would do her magic. Just a little bit of patience and trust! I would read Bible verses sitting near the window. Comfort and reassurance come from God! The Womb needed a lot.?

Days passed and papa asked my consent to uproot it. I went and inspected my Miniature, top to bottom, and to my surprise, I saw a few tiny newborn leaves. Mother was turning stronger with each wave of slaughter, I guess! My dad was overjoyed just like me. I sat the whole day calling my friends telling them the story of endurance. My Miniature grew and recovered soon. It turned out to be a thick bush. Neighbors stood astounded! Who would ever dream of such a thing??

My Miniature was progressing. I pruned it regularly, watered and plucked off the dried leaves every day. Chai Pathi and egg shells never stopped. After all, Mother needs to be nourished all the time. It amazed me to see children taking photos of bouquets that bloomed regularly. Some fifty flowers would remain joyfully on the bush, taking a sunbath. It was an amazing sight and I was quite proud of my decision. I knew the Mother was silently thanking me for the trust that I had placed in her.?

And then, that ONE DAY arrived. I had to leave my house and I knew quite well that my return won't be quick. I watched my Miniature alive, for the last time. When I returned, there were no more bouquets blooming. Papa saw my sulked face. I knew my Miniature got all the daily dose of care and nourishment but it wasn’t the same anymore. I watched it. This time before I left, I said Good-Bye and kissed it.?

When I returned next time, true to my dream,?

Nothing was left-?

Just a stump.?

“There were literally no roses. It was turning ugly to be kept in front of the house. So I had to cut, leaving the stunt behind. I thought I would wait for you to uproot it finally.”?

I nodded and papa handed me a spade. I did the last rite, containing the pain the Womb would have.


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    The Stump

    True to my dream! Very true to it! Nothing was left- Just a Stump. I had picked it from the garbage.

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