Nicholas Whipps Ed.D.
Recreation Manager- City of Casper Recreation Division | Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach | Veteran Advocate
I want you to take stock in something real quick. In the past two weeks, how many catalogs have you received in the mail? This could be for housewares, toys, electronics, food, and clothes among other things. I am not even asking you to consider the amount of emails in your inbox advertising the same things. For me, in the past two weeks I have had 8 catalogs come to our house that I could count. These catalogs come in the mail, and the emails come to the inbox because at some point, we have bought or at least considered the stuff they were selling. Here is the next question, how many packages from Amazon, or other websites have arrived at your door this week? I have had four, and I had no idea what was in two of them. I want to make something clear, I am not shaming any of us for making money, and having the means to get stuff. It is okay to have and like stuff. You should absolutely work hard and better yourself each and every day to make more money, gain promotions and provide for your family in the best you possibly can.
With the holiday season in full swing, here is the point I am trying to consider for myself and what I am asking you to think about as well. How important is that stuff to you. In the hierarchy of things, where does stuff sit? Is it top three, or top five? Most of us would say our top three is faith, family, and health in some order. If you still had faith, family, and health but the extra material things were taken away, would you be okay? Whether we want to admit it or not, myself included, stuff is higher up the ladder of importance than it probably should be.
The way we can determine how high up the ladder we place material things is by understanding three things when considering pursuit of the stuff that we didn’t bring into this world and we can’t take with us.
You hear this phrase a lot but it is said for a reason. You don’t bring anything material with you into this world, and you can’t take it with you when you leave. This is so true. We walk a fine line when we idolize things and it is hard not to in the world we live in. Envy and resentment will eat at you whether you intend for it to or not and no matter what you do, there will always be something bigger, better, and more shiny. That quick hit of dopamine provided by material things will only last as long as it takes for something new to come out.
Ceo/Founder @ The Dead Cattlemen’s Herding Association | Polymath Degree
1 年We are in a war of language right now, my friend. Languages ability to transmit data and data energy, so how much time do you waste with background noise data, such as catalogues. My greatest gift that I can give to others his communicating with them for then it sticks in their mind forever. Tangible gifts that catalog sell 99% will end up in landfill. But the gift of language and thoughts and experience coming from the heart remain with those who receive them forever. Just as I retain all that was given to I throughout every day of my 62 years.. one of the best gifts can give is a conversation or a written card conversation face-to-face in person. Then you will be forever. Always remembering to operate from a position of love for another human being.. fortunate enough to have gifts given to me in oral form. It’s been three centuries. A wonderful topic as I age in my children do. The gift that we give each other as time spent together. MWM