Studying English does not help you speak better. LESSON 1

Studying English does not help you speak better. LESSON 1

Does that statement surprise you? I’ve been teaching English for 14 years and I want to share with you some things that will really help you get better.

A lot of people want to speak English better. So, they study, they go to lessons, they do exercises, and they still have problems reaching their goals. So, what are they doing? And are they doing it right?

Meet Frank. Frank is learning English because he wants to speak better. He knows enough words, he has studied grammar and practiced, but he still makes mistakes while speaking. He understands almost everything but when he tries to make a sentence, it doesn’t always come out right. Sound familiar?

So, what does this guy need to reach his goals? He needs to take a step back, and change how he thinks about learning English. This is the #1 most important thing I teach all of my students.

A classroom is an English simulator. Teachers can simulate real-world conversation, they can simulate not understanding an article, or not understanding something your boss or co-workers say to you. But a simulation is a simulation. You cannot learn how to drive a car in a simulator. But you can learn the basic in-and-outs of how a car works. You can develop habits like checking mirrors, and putting on your blinker. You get comfortable changing gears and applying the right amount of pressure to the pedals. But as soon as you get into a real car, and on a real road, with real people, everything you learned goes out the window. Why? Stress!

Just because you are pretty good in English on paper does not mean you feel comfortable and confident speaking. This is because speaking is both a mental AND a physical skill.

Like driving. It requires coordination and knowledge and awareness. There is a lot happening at once, and in the real world, you don’t have time to process all of these things at the same time. You have to physically and mentally practice doing it to get better. Period. To be a better speaker read these tips and do your best to implement them.

Number 1.

You really need to know that It is OK to make a mistake. You have been taught not to make any mistakes. This is not right! They made a mistake making you think this. Make a mistake, learn to listen to yourself and recognize these mistakes, and learn from them. If you become aware of the words you are using and how you are using them, you WILL get better. Speaking is a skill that needs to be practiced, and then analyzed, and then practiced again. Keep reading.

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Thought is organic. What I mean to say is that we don't think in words and grammar. When I tell my buddy about the football game I watched the other day, I am not imagining words and sentence structure. I have an idea and images and a story in my head and I get it delivered to him through speech. You don’t picture words when you tell a story. You picture pictures. It is a series of memories and images and sounds and smells that get converted into words. For my buddy to understand it he needs to listen. My words paint a picture in his head and he ‘sees’ what I saw. He understands it not by analyzing the words I use, but by listening to the story and letting those words create the same image in his mind.

So, what I’m really saying is that you guys think too much. Don’t worry about your mistakes, but recognize them when you make them. Don’t tiptoe into a conversation afraid to ask a question. Strut into that conversation like an English-speaking peacock with your feathers spread wide! Step 1 to speaking better is to stop thinking so much. Don’t think, just speak. It gets easier. Don’t believe me, try it.

 Let us know how that works out for you, and stay tuned for Lesson 2 coming soon.

 P.s. Don’t have anyone to speak to? Don’t worry, Tip 3 will help.

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