Study Shows That Kids Who Color On Themselves Grow Up To Be Geniuses

Study Shows That Kids Who Color On Themselves Grow Up To Be Geniuses

Did you know that researchers at the prestigious Children’s Institute of America recently completed a 20 year study on the effects of children who color on themselves with Crayola markers, and the study proves conclusively that those children grow up to have extremely high IQs.

Believe it or not that they have followed 2,000 children for the last 20 years and of those 2,000 case studies, half of them were allowed to color on themselves using markers, while the other half were not explained Dr. Richard Kimball.

As a researcher he found was that the 1000 kids who were able to let their creativity flow by drawing on themselves, a significant portion of them grew up to be extremely smart, some of them tipping past genius levels.

Dr. Kimball found that 978 of the children who were allowed to Crayloa their own faces consistently had IQs in the genius level, where as all 1000 of the non-colorers had normal, average IQs, or below in adulthood.

One study proves conclusively why you should allow your children to be creative, and do whatever they’d like. If they want to color themselves blue, why, go out and get them some markers, said Dr. Kimball. Down the road you’ll be happy you did.


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