A Study on Political Violence and Reproduction of urban Poverty at New Market Thana
This assignment is about political violence and reproduction system of urban poverty .In this assignment we have tried to explain political violence and its impact on production system. As a third world countries Bangladesh generally introduced with political violence directly. Hartal , strike ,blocked and so on fall a great impact on production system. Our concern basically takes the issues of political violence and its effect on reproduction system in urban area. This assignment analyses the causes, manifestation and consequences of political violence in Bangladesh. The analysis is based on some arguments that are the political system of Bangladesh, how political issues are related to the social, economic, political and cultural life, the trends of political violence, how political violence impact on practical life and how political violence related to the production system of urban poverty.But our main concern goes to the topic of how political violence destory the possiblity of reproduction system of urban area.On this regards we will show that how political violence fall a adverse effect on the middle and lower class businessman on their business and personal life and how lived before political violence and their present condition.
This assignment does not comply with the compulsion rather we have carried on this assignment that how political violence effect on reproduction system of urban area.
Frist of all, we would like to immensely convey our unconditional gratitude to our course teacher Lipon Kumar Mondal who assists us in many ways besides approving assignment topics without his inspiration, complete guide and support this challenging work could not be done successfully.
We express our profound gratitude to those researcher and thinkers whose writing on political violence and reproduction system of urban poverty.
Most importantly, our work could not be conduct without the permission of collecting data of different institution of New Market thana in Dhaka city.
We also thankful to all of our group members for working greatly to complete this field work and assignment.
Chapter 01
"When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
- JidduKrishnmurti.
Political violence is a common means used by people and governments around the world to achieve political goals. Many groups and individuals believe that their political systems will never respond to their political demands. As a result they believe that violence is not only justified but also necessary in order to achieve their political objectives. By the same token, many governments around the world believe they need to use violence in order to intimidate their populace into acquiescence. At other times, governments use force in order to defend their country from outside invasion or other threats of force and to coerce other governments or conquer territory.
Background of the study:
Political violence in Bangladesh has been an integral part of Bangladeshi politics unlike the other sub-continental traditional politics. Political violence in Bangladesh is different from sub continental country’s political violence as political violence in Pakistan, India and Sri-lonka emerges from ethnic suppression or ethnic exploitation in terms of political and economic rights. Here in Bangladesh the roots of the political violence is basically intolerance to others ideology, activism and gains. Also to hobble the opposing political party and minor political parties. The party in power, individuals and groups backed by the ruling party always incriminates acts of violence, suppression and intimidation against opposing parties and groups. Having the same ethnic identity and same religious sects mostly the people don’t go for ethnic or religious clash not resisting themselves towards the intolerance of political gains which makes Bangladesh’s situation as a unique one. The situation of political violence becomes drastic and couples the putrid effects when the state authority or government accuse the opposing party not taking proper and effective actions to mitigate or to punish the perpetrator and its accomplice. The country recently movedto civil rule after about two years two years military backed caretaker governments rule. Though there has been a landslide victory of civil ruled government but still the use of aggression as a political tool prevalent there. Recently situation political violence has aggravated been from the village to urban area at a same motion where the situation devastatingly ruined in higher education institutions where the student wings of political parties indiscriminately suppressing the opposing parties and individuals. Almost all wings of Political parties are resorting act of violence and aggression against opposing parties even its no wondering that the internal clashes of ruling parting in search of exercising power has increased at large. Though Political Violence in Bangladesh is in dire condition, a cure for it is still possible if the Government, International Community, Donor Agencies and countries, National and International Human Rights Commissions and political parties takes the proper initiatives to cease it.
Statement of the Study:
The political violence is one of the most important means for achieving political goals of political parties. But as it important for political parties, the suffers of its adverse effect are the common people. Political violence is a threat for a country’s economic sectors. In the urban area the suffers are middle and lower class businessman. They faces many problems for this such as their personal and impersonal life, business center, production, supply and so on.
Objectives of the study:
? Eexploringthe types of political violence of Bangladesh.
? Eexploreing the effect of political violence on production system.
? Eexaminingthe relation between political violence and production system.
? Eexploring the changing pattern of political violence and brutal rule of political parties.
? Collecting, sorting and analyzing secondary information relating to history of hartal of the country.
? Collecting, analyzing, reviewing and assessing secondary information relating to recent politicalinstability and hartal.
? Gathering, synchronizing and investing secondary information connecting to the impact of hartal on different economic sector.
? Analyzing and suggesting how political stability could be ensured in Bangladesh
Importance of the study:
Political violence is very common occurrence in Bangladesh. Day by day it is going to the way of worse. Its adverse effect fall on the all the sectors of country. Mainly the reproduction system hampered mostly. The middle and lower class business are most suffers by this violence
A political violence study shows that no study has undertaken in Bangladesh. This is a vital issues determines the future politics of our country. The study about political violence and its impact on reproduction system of urban area is needed indeed.
Sociological significance of the study:
The term political violence can create a great effect on our reproduction system which we will see in the part of analysis and discussion of data. So from the view of sociological perspective it creates a great application to us. Beside this we will also try to show the consequential effect on a specific area of New Market Thana of Dhaka city. Here we will try to show the effect of political violence on middle and lower class business man of this area in this study and there have specific information about the past condition of business man, condition of during political violence also the present condition. We have tried to compare the whole three situation and collect data about the possibility of overcoming losses.
Limitation of the study:
Though we know that every study has must some problems are created. We are also facing some problem during the course of my study but we have overcome those problems and capable to prepared our study article. We must admit that our research has also limitations in some form or other. It is best to recognize these limitations rather than to pretend that these limitations do not exist. We are frank and fair to mention any unprecedented or situational factors that we might encounter during the execution of our study. In our study there are some limitations. The main limitation of our research we did not find any books or articles or research in this topic. As this study is newly done by us that‘s why there will have some limitations and this is the natural. Besides at the time of coducting this study the respondent did not actualy correct information or they are secred to give information.
Chapter 02
Literature Review:
International Literature Review:
Using econometric techniques (data on 119 countries for the period of 1970-1995), Ali (2001) finds that
?The effect of political instability on economic growth is ambiguous.
?The instability of political regimes entails no significant impact on theaccumulation of capital.
?Policy uncertainty has a more significant impact on growth in comparison to instability of economic policies.
Aisen and Veiga (2011), in a study of 169 countries and using 5‐year periods from 1960 to 2004, find that escalated levels of political instability are associated with lower levels of GPD growth rates.
Alesina et al. (1996) concluded that countries having a high tendency of government collapse are significantly associated with lower growth rates than otherwise.
Exploring four dimensions of political instability, namely, “mass civil protest”,“politically motivated aggression”, “instability within the political regime” and“instability of the political regime”, Pin (2006) show that different dimensions of political instability affects economic growth in a different facet (in a study of 98 countries in the 1984‐2003 period).
Domestic conflicts often push countries into a “fragile” state.
o Fragile and conflict countries do not have the ability to develop mutually constructive relations within their societies and often face a weak capacity to undertake governance functions (OECD 2012).
o These countries are more vulnerable to internal and external shocks, and in turn they face instability.Considering the Arab Spring which swept across the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, a very recent study by Khandelwal and Roitman (2013) analyzed different macroeconomic indicators of selected 11 countries of the MENA region.
o The authors reached the conclusion that political instability caused a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic outcomes. Political instability coincided with a large decline in output and real GDP growth rates in the MENA region.
o Whatever the fall of the actual growth rates, it is the case that output generally remains below potential for 4 years after the initial drop, taking around 5 years to recuperate.
o The scenario can also be depicted in the case of unemployment rates, taking between 4 to 5 years to reach back to the pre‐crisis level.
Bangladesh Experience:
Historical evidence shows that during the present democratic system initiated in 1991, the average number of Hartals per year has been more than three times higher (46 per year) compared to earlier regime.
In the first three months of 2013,110 people died in political violence which is more than that of for full 12 months of 2012.
The recent estimates fromGlobal Financial Integrity (GFI)showed that during the time ofpolitical transition, Bangladesheconomy faced huge illicitfinancial outflow.
In 2006 and 2007 on an average USD 2 7 billion illicit financial outflow took2007, 2.7 place.
In 2010, the amount of illicit financial outflow was estimated to be USD 2.4billion where as it was only 0.7 billion in 2009.
Methodology is the bone structure of a study. Methodology indicates the study techniques or tools used for conducting study. Methodology is the logical explanation of the study. Here the study steps are described along with logical explanation of choosing these tools and methods, assumptions and rationale behind them.
However methodology is the rational & theoretical perspective. It is mainly the combination of quantitative or qualitative method. This research is amid to be conducted by quantitative method.
Methodology of the Study:
One the other hand the Quantitative research deals with objective facts, focus on variables, a lot of cases instead of a few and specific cases, its subjective and value free. Here reliability is the key factor.
We here in our study used Quantitative methodology. Quantitative analysis is an analysis of numerically coded data especially ordinal, interval & ratio data & often involving computation of statistical measures & tests of significance. As quantitative method is well developed & codified methods for data analysis, this method is used in this study. The other logical fact that favored to choose this method is that, this method is more easily replicable & less variable than qualitative method. It is highly developed & builds on applied mathematics & represents empirical facts in order to test an abstract hypothesis with variable construct. At the same time the limitation of qualitative research, i.e. unable to express numerically & unable to find the exact figure of the data & time consuming & money consuming matter encourage avoiding qualitative method & taking quantitative method for data collection. Moreover this method seems easier to conduct such a topic for research & that encourage choosing quantitative method.
Sources of data:
Sources of data is one of the indicators that how we conducted our study. For data sources we mainly depends on the direct information of respondent of study area. Form the respondent we collected experienced data. We collected data of political violence from various daily newspapers like the daily Star, the Ittafaq, the daily prothomalo, the Age and so on. From various organization like NGOs and others. We took help from various internet links.
Data processing:
Data processing is very important for quantitative research. The reliability is very much related to right procedure of data processing and analysis. We here in my study used two distinct way to processing my data.
To analyze the data collected from interview schedule we have used Statistical package. We used MS access and excel for data processing.
Data collection period:
Data collection process commenced on March 2013 to November 2013 and we also take two months of 2014 (January and February) as conducting present condition of political violence.
Sampling Procedure:
Sampling procedure refers to the specific system of choosing samples from the population. As we have referred earlier that, we had to conduct this study to the business man of middle and lower class.
Moreover we need to study with a specific categorical respondent who did have any good sampling frame to collect through random sampling. So we select Purposive sampling as our sampling procedure. This sampling needs such a researcher who has good knowledge about the population of the study.
Sampling Instrument:
For conducting a study every research methods have their own instrument of data collection. Data need to be consciously identified, carefully selected, methodologically collected &accuracy & precision are obviously important quality in research measurement.
In this study scheduled interview of survey method has been taken. This survey can be useful for descriptive, explanatory & exploratory purpose. This method is probably the best method in
social research as it easy to collect empirical data with limited time & money. However this method is useful to collect authentic data from lower educated people like the respondents of this study by asking scheduled questions & writing them from the respondents. So in this study survey method with interview scheduled has been used.
Selection of the study Area:
Selection of the area is an important issue in the project. In our Study we are working with political violence and reproduction system of urban poverty. We selected an urban area in Dhaka city at New Market thana. We selected this area for basically some reasons.
Firstly, in our country, we can see that the extreme condition of political violence does occur in urban area.
Secondly, the study area is not so far and was convenient to visit the area, communicate with the respondents and study intensively.
New market thana is in the area of Dhaka Metropolitan and there have many businessman some of whom may be effected or partially have a great experience about political violence’s of recent trends. Also they can give us the clear and full view of violence and the effect on reproduction system of them.
Chapter 03
The respondents that we have collected data at New Market Thana:
Name of Occupation
Type of Occupation
Number of Respondent
01. Fruits seller
02. Book seller
03. Stationary
04. Cloth seller
05. Street hawker
06. Felling station
Total= 50
Hypothesis of the study:
The main object of this study to show how political violence affect our urban production system. The business man of middle and lower class are our target to study. We have to mainly focus on the three dimension as their condition before and during political violence and their present condition still now. We hypothesized that they do not like political violence and their losses during hartal and blocked would not be overcome in a sort time.
Quantitative methods of sociological research approach social phenomena from the perspective that they can be measured and quantified. For instance, social class, following the quantitative approach can be divided into different groups - upper, middle, and lower class and can be measured using any of a number of variables or a combination thereof: income, educational attainment, prestige, power, etc. Quantitative sociologists tend to use specific methods of data collection and hypothesis testing, including: experimental designs, surveys, secondary data analysis, and statistical analysis.
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. Here a process is expressed or described in terms of one or more quantities. The result of this research is essentially a number or a set of numbers. Some of the characteristics of qualitative re- search/method are:
? It is numerical, non-descriptive, applies statistics or mathematics and uses numbers.
? It is an iterative process whereby evidence is evaluated.
? The results are often presented in tables and graphs.
? It is conclusive.
? It investigates the what, where and when of decision making.
Statistics is the most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research. It ?nds applications not only in physical sciences but also in economics, social sciences and biology. Quantitative research using statistical methods often begins with the collection of data based on a theory or hypothesis or experiment followed by the application of descriptive or inferential statistical methods.
Qualitative methods6 of sociological research tend to approach social phenomena from the Verstehen perspective. They are used to develop a deeper understanding of a particular phenomenon. They also often deliberately give up on quantity - necessary for statistical analysis - in order to reach a depth in analysis of the phenomenon studied. Even so, qualitative methods can be used to propose relationships between variables. Qualitatively oriented sociologists tend to employ different methods of data collection and hypothesis testing, including: participant observation, interviews, focus groups, content analysis and historical comparison.
Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomenon involving quality. Some of the characteristics of qualitative research/method are:
? It is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning and uses words.
? Its aim is to get the meaning, feeling and describe the situation.
? Qualitative data cannot be graphed.
? It is exploratory.
? It investigates the why and how of decision making.
We measure and weigh things in the study of substance or structure. Can we measure or weigh patterns? We cannot measure or weigh patterns. But to study patterns we must map a con?guration of relationships. That is, structures involve quantities whereas patterns involve qualities. If one wishes to investigate why certain data are random then it is a qualitative research. If the aim is to study how random the data is, what is the mean, variance and distribution function then it becomes quantitative. Explaining how digestion of food takes place in our body is a qualitative description. It does not involve any numbers or data and quantities.
The detection of a particular compound is a qualitative analysis. This can be done by carrying out physical or chemical tests. Determination of exact amount of a particular compound present in a volume is essentially quantitative analysis. This can be done by volumetric, gravimetric and colorimetric methods or instrumental methods. Experimentaland simulation studies are generally quantitative research.In fact, qualitative methods can be used to understand the meaning of the numbers obtained by quantitative methods.
Chapter 04
Discussion and Analysis:
In the chapter of discussion and analysis we will show the total data analysis by using graph. We will also show the political system of Bangladesh, the trends of political violence, the main causes and effect of political violence, what is the impact on production system, what was the condition of business man before, during and present condition of them.
Data analyzing by graph:
By graph we will show that the condition of the respondent before, during and their present condition. This data collected from respondent in their experienced.
Section A: Graphs stand for to show the market condition like percent of customer, percent of selling products, percent of supply and so on.
Section B: The personal opinion of the respondent about political violence.
Effect of political violence on economic and reproduction system:
The present analysis identifies a “double jeopardy” for the Bangladesh economy given the on‐going violent political agitation
Slowdown in investment and economic growth
Political shocks on economy leading to further slowdown
All these may not only compel Bangladesh to miss out on the emerging global opportunities, but also experience weakening of the attained socio‐economic achievements.
In this context, the paper seeks to assess and improve the current state of knowledge regarding the implications of political shocks to the Bangladesh economy. To that end, it reviews the relevant international literature, identifies the distinguishing feature of the Hartal phenomenon, conceptualizes the shock transmission channels to the economy and estimates the economic loss from Hartals deploying a CGE model. The paper concludes by providing a perspective regarding solution to the root problem.
Eight stylized facts about recent Hartal trends in the recent period (2013):
1. Frequency (incidence) of Hartals have increased significantly
2. Hartals are now being called even during the weekends
3. Hartal, for an economic cause, has become more uncommon
4. Hartal‐opposing parties are also more active during the Hartal periods
5. More decentralized Hartals have emerged, e.g. at District, Upazilla level
6. New actors are entering as Hartal protagonists in addition to the traditional political actors.
7. Causalities and violence in Hartals have become more manifest
8. Remarkable number of deaths of members of the law enforcing agencies inconnection with Hartals.
Recent causes of political violence:
After the verdict of Delwar Hossain Sayidee, a riot on Hindu community spread in several districts of Bangladesh including Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Chittagong, Comilla, Brahmanbaria, Cox's Bazar, Bagerhat, Khulna, Gaibandha, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Lalmonirhat, Barisal, Bhola, Barguna, Satkhira, Chapainawabganj, Natore, Munshiganj, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Mymensingh and many others. More than 1000 houses were set on fire and destroyed leaving people homeless. Nearly 100 temples were burned down and idols of worship were vandalized. 2 Hindus died due to injuries in the violence.Although, there was local reporting of the anti-Hindu atrocities, there was little to no exposure from international media, but images from the attacks continued to be spread on social media.Buddhist houses and temples were also reported to be vandalized and attacked.
Jamaat-Shibir men have torched and vandalized trains, buses, other vehicles and shops throughout the country. They gauged out one eye of a policeman and hacked him indiscriminately to death at Sanatanpur police camp under Harinakundoupazila in Jhinaidah on March 3. They have also attacked and killed policemen and taken away firearms from them. At least seven cops have been killed in the violence. The Shibir men also vandalised 12 buses and torched four more at the Al-Amin Bus Depot at DattarHaat. JamatShibir activists also attacked government offices, destroyed government properties, and vandalized properties of government officers. They also vandalized and set fire to Awami League offices and League leaders' residences in Bogra. Jamat-Shibir activists hampered public transportation system by blocking roads and uprooting railway tracks, and they even obstructed railway repair teams from carrying out their repair tasks. On April 11, 2013, the supporters of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Hifazat-e Islam left at least three people dead and hundred injured in Chittagong’s FatikchhariUpazila, following a call made on the loudspeakers of a mosque in the area.
Impact of political violence:
Development can be influenced by many non-economic variables. Among them political instability comes first. Economic development largely depends on political stability. Political instability is the opposite concept of political stability. It is argued that there are four main dimension of political instability:
a) Regime Change.
b) Governmental Change.
c) Violent Challenge (To either government or regime).
d) Peaceful Challenge (Again to either government or regime
Hartal can be considered as a mode of violent challenge. This phenomenon has a negative impact on different rapidly growing economic sector of Bangladesh.
Impact on local government:
Hartal of opposition party have harmed our local govt. since 5th November, 2012. They attacked the police team, government office, thana, educational institution, houses, transport, shop and cut the trees. According to government calculation, local govt. loss of six divisions of our country is about thirty crore taka. In 25 Upazila, 35 govt. offices have been attacked by them. And gross loss is about 10 Crore taka. Beside this, to set up a barricade in the road they had cut down many trees. The loss for cutting the tree is about 20 crore taka. Secretary of local govt. Abu Alam Mohammad Shahid Khan said, ―It is only the govt. calculation. Many private organizations have been depreciated. Those loss amounts are much‖.
Impact on Transport:
There is a great loss in transport sector due to recent hartal and political instability since November. Hartal activist burnt down about 400 vehicles from November, 2012 to 19th March, 2013.They also set aflame railway 92 times. They burned down the vehicle of Fire Brigade also. According to the calculation of fire service and civil defense, 356 vehicles have been set afire
Impact on stock market:
As soon as the liquidity crisis has been eradicated, political gloom griped the Stock Market. Political unrest and continuous hartal brought debacle on daily turnover. In February, 2013 Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) and Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) took some measures to boost the market. And as part of these, institutional investors had given some scope to overcome losses. As a result daily turnover went up to Tk 500 crore and general investors became eager to invest. But before curing the market political violence griped the market and big investors refrained from invest further and index began to fall again. About the market situation, CSE former President Fakhar Uddin Ali Ahmed said, ―Due to hartal, listed companies faced losses as their production being hampered. As a result share prices of these companies declined.
Impact on education:
Hartal had a very or somewhat negative impact on education. Hartal prevent student from attending classes, creating increased pressure on them later on their studies and at exam time. The major impact of hartal is the postponement of exams resulting in delays in finishing school session. Hartal delayed education, which can have severe long term effects on younger people's future prospects. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid earlier urged the political parties not to throw any harmful programmes during the ongoing Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations. But no effect is seen among the political parties. For that, life of 13 lakh students of SSC and equivalent exams is hanging and certainly they are the most sufferers for this hartal. Already, SSC practical exams have been postponed. The SSC exam was scheduled to end on March 7, 2013. But for postponing 5 exams, it is uncertain that, actually when the exam will end. However, not only exams, but also classes weren't held at different educational institutes for more than 20 days. To recover the damage, some school, colleges and universities are taking classes during the holiday. But that's not enough.
Impact on local business:
A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of scales. Small businessmen are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships or sole proprietorships. The legal definition of small varies by country or by industry. Small businesses are common in many countries, depending on the economic system in operation. Typical examples include: convenience store, other small shops (such as a bakery or delicatessen), hairdressers, tradesmen, lawyers, accountants, restaurants, guest houses, photographers, small –scale manufacturing etc. According to small business Act 1934, ―A business which is independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field‖ is a small business. According to Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert 1995, ―Small business refer to business locally owned and managed, often with very few employees working at a single location‖ There is no doubt that hartal is damaging the small business. Small businesses are stagnating. The country's shopkeepers and small business holders have expressed their worries over the future course of the country's economy as a sequel to adverse politics amid frequent calls for observance of hartal. They expressed their serious concern over the fallouts from the ongoing political developments that have tended to go violent across the country. The activities in the shopping malls turned standstill while only a few shops in some localities were opened during the time of hartal amid apprehension of being attacked. Many small traders sit idle as ongoing countrywide political troubles have caused disruption to the supply chain of essential commodities. (22th April, 2012; the Financial Express).
Impact on human right:
Political violence is a common means used by people or political parties around the world to achieve political goals. Many group and individual believe that violence is not only justified but also necessary in order to achieve their political objects [13]. The number of hartal is threatening the livelihoods, safety and security of ordinary citizens. The risk and intensity of political violence in Bangladesh is exacerbated by the easy accessibility of small arms and light weapons. In 2011, 135 people were killed and 11532 injured as a result of political violence. [14] A person was killed and 50 injured during the first day of the 36 hour countrywide hartal called by BNP led 18 party alliance. On the killing spot 10 others also injured. In the city‘s Laxi Bazar area at about 8 am 4 bombs exploded. Another 2 bombs was exploded in Pallabi of Mirpur. A group of opposition exploded 2 bombs in front of Mirpur Ideal School. In front of Kancha Bazar at Mirpur 2 bombs was exploded. Three bombs exploded beside the office of the Narcotics Control department in Tejgaon. Hartal supporters exploded a bomb just opposite the Notre Dame College. Another group of hartal supporter blasted 4 or 5 bombs in the south Kamalapur Area. During hartal in Barisal 4 people including ASI of sadar police station injured. In Rajshahi at least 10 people including a police man were wounded in separate clashes. In Chittagong 7 people injured during chase and counter chase. At the AK Khan gate picketers exploded several bombs. In Laxmipur 20 bombs were exploded. In Narayanganj 5 people were injured in a series of clashes. The picketers exploded 5 bombs here [15] Pro-hartal element torched 12 vehicles in separate places of the city on 1st April 2013 ahead of next daylong country wide shutdown of the opposite alliance.
Final discussion and hypothesis:
From this study we have found that political violence is dangerous and harmful for our reproduction system. The overall people do not want hartal and others and everyone have a negative opinion towards political violence.
We hypothesized that the overall adverse effect of political violence is bad. During political violence the respondent are in a miserable condition with their business and family. They do not want political violence. So we can say that our hypothesizes are true.
Chapter 05
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”
― Mahatma Gandhi, The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and Ideas
Political violence in Bangladesh has recently been a frequent hazard for the political stability. It destabilize the growth of democracy and political culture when the chief and crucial part of government body patronize the miscreants for the narrow party interest. To halt the growth of when a party become intolerant toward other party that always worsen the situation of political violence in Bangladesh. Awamileague who work and sat with jamaatIslami during the anti military ruler campaign in 90s people saw for the first time in history the political parties cooperation. But violence get promoted when Awamileague and its alliance becomes intolerant to jamaatislami through blame gaming that also widens gap between Awamileague and BNP increasing the rate of political violence. To ensure a satisfactory growth in almost all sectors of development importantly for economic development political stability is very important for a country.The above mentioned recommendations shall bear significant solution towadstoping the higher rate and acuteness of political violence in Bangladesh to ensure an economically and politically sustainable Bangladesh.
The opposition doesn‘t have any other platforms to voice their demands and hence use hartals; politicians only care about personal gains and do not heed the impact on the economy because they are immune to the consequences; the government is hostile, leaving few alternatives; options such as rallies, protests, hunger-strikes are useless. All of these arguments make opposition leaders appear selfish, irrational, and ignorant. Hartal is a strategic tool for opposition parties utilized in the years prior to elections. Hartals legitimize the use of violence, which in turn can undermine the government, thereby raising the chances of electoral success for opposition parties. Hartals put salt in a wounded economy.
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Political violence and reproduction system of urban poverty: at New Market Thana in Dhaka City.
Interview Questionnaires as businessman
(Middle and Lower class)
Section A: Introduction.
01. Name:
02. Age: under 20 31-35 46-50
20-25 36-40 51-55
26-30 41-45 56-60
Above 60
03. Sex : Male Female
04. Religion : Muslim Christian
Hindu Buddhist
05. Living Place:
06. Marital Status : Single Married Unmarried
Divorced Widow
07. Family Members:
08. Types of Family : Single Family Nuclear Family Joint Family
Extended Family Others Family
Section B: Socio-economic Background of the Respondent.
09. Living Status of Father’s Family :
10. Educational Background: Primary S.S.C H.S.C
BA/BSS/BSC MA/MSS/MSC M.Phil./Ph.D. Others
11. Occupation and Profession of the Respondent:
12. Type of occupation:
13. Why do you choice this occupation?
14. What do you do before this occupation?
15. Duration of Present Occupation :
16. What are the sources of Capital of your business?
17. Income and Monthly Salary: Below 3,000 3,000-5,000
10,000-15,000 15,000-20,000
25,000-30,000 30,000-35,000
35,000-40,000 Above 40,000
18. Income Source:
19. Others Income Source out of Business :
20. How many earning members of your family?
21. Expenditure of Family Maintenance monthly?
22. How many children are in school at present?
23. Do you able to maintain your family with this income?
Yes No
Section C: Question about Related topic (Political Violence).
24. Do you know about Political violence like Hartal, Strick,Blocked ?
Yes No
25. Are they harmful for your business?
Yes No
Section C.1: Condition before Political Violence:
26. What was the condition of business before Political Violence?
Well Bad Not so Good
27. Percentage of selling product :
28. Price level of products :
High Low Moderate
29. Supply of products :
As usual Very less No supply
30. Percentage of customer’s :
31. Percentage of Customer’s buying products :
Section C.2: Condition during Political Violence:
32. What was the condition of business during Political Violence?
Well Bad Not so Good
33. Percentage of selling product :
34. Price level of products :
High Low Moderate
35. Supply of products :
As usual Very less No supply
36. Percentage of customer’s :
37. Percentage of Customer’s buying products :
Section C.3: Condition after Political Violence:
38. What is the condition of business after Political Violence / Now?
Well Bad Not so Good
39. Percentage of selling product :
40. Price level of products :
High Low Moderate
41. Supply of products :
As usual Very less No supply
42. Percentage of customer’s :
43. Percentage of Customer’s buying products :
Section D : Opinion of the Respondent about Effect and Consequence of Political Violence :
44. Did you face any destruction of your shop or business during political violence
Like burning, breaking and bomb blast etc ?
Yes No
45. How much the amount was damaged in political violence?
Below 10,000 10,000-15,000 15,000-20,000
20,000-25,000 25,000-30,000 30,000-35,000
35,000-40,000 40,000-45,000 45,000-50,000
46. Have there any impact on family life?
Yes No
47. Have there any impact on education of children?
Yes No
48. Do you think that political violence fall a great impact on your occupation?
Yes No
49. Do you think that it is possible to overcome these losses?
Yes No
50. Do you want political violence like hartal, blocked?
Yes No
"The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politicswithout principles."
(Young India, 22 October 1925)"
I. To the government:
Whoever comes to power and forms the government they become important decision maker and guardian of the people; each and every one they voted or not. Government body becomes universal authority for all people’s party’s security. The policy and decisions and the allotment of opportunities that come from the govt. should be divided equally and equitably. As govt. body both officials and civilian are to ensure the betterment of the country and its people so govt. always becomes liable for all sorts of hazards whether it is being created by ruling party or not. To stop and decrease the rate of political violence govt always share the immense responsibility.
II. to the International Community:
In Present international system both states and government need to be recognized by the international authority more clearly by other states of the world. Besides the diplomatic and economic relations of state as well as the responsibility and liability of one state towards international law and values makes one state respecting its human rights standards. If still any country disregards its human rights international community has many things to do. Here we recommend to
1. Express concern when political violence occurs severely and create pressure on govt.
2. Should suggest and help project based approaches to lessen the rate of Political violence.
3. Should pay heed to the standards of human rights violation and political stability before going for economic relations.
4. Should emphasize on political stability and rate of violence when they come to invest in Bangladesh.
III. to the Donor Agency:
Donor agency from both domestic and International Community can help in regarding the development process of nation human rights and democracy issues. They can also express their concern in different issues. Here we recommend to
1. Emphasize on political stability and the standards of human rights before it donate in any site of development.
2. Should emphasize on building democratic intuitions and
3. Should emphases and create pressure to the government for practicing democracy within the political parties.
4. Take measures to donate on projects to enhance the political tolerance between opposing parties.
5. Should also emphasize on the participation of both ruling and opposing parties in parliamentary sessions and should create pressure on the government to ensure everyone’s participation.
IV. To the political parties:
Political parties are almost all to blame for political violence so most responsibilities go to the political parties: We recommend all political parties to:
1. to Value the life of the people
2. to work for the welfare of the people rather than the narrow interest of the parties.
3. to value the interest of the state
4. to select the eligible person to lead the party rather than the leaders who believe in muscle power.