Study of the Evaluation and Gesture Reorganization
Here is the link to my report
This report consists two parts: Evaluation problem and Gesture problem:
Part One is study of Evaluation Problem, using Explorative Analysis, PCA, EFA, CCA and MANOVA to dig into the dependency of the variables including both categoricals and numericals. I also visualized the result with Box Plots, Interaction Plots, Mosaic Plots, and Interactive Bubble Plots and uploaded a video of the interaction plots.
Here’s Some Interesting Findings:
Students with low attendance rate tend to perceive the course to be easier;
For some courses, the more times one takes it, the more difficult it becomes.
Instructor 3 teaches difficult courses but has a relatively low repeat level.
All questions in the survey are highly correlated, high correlation and cross correlation within and between {Q1~Q12} and {Q13~Q28}.
Part Two is a research on Gesture Clustering and Pattern Reorganization, processing the raw data from videos of storytellers, applying different clustering algorithm, reconstructed the path of the body parts of storytellers with interactive plots and visualizing my clustering results with different methods. Videos of 3-D interaction plots are also uploaded.
Here’s Some Interesting Findings:
With the data provided, clustering on the raw data is MUCH BETTER than on the processed;
After I re-processed the data and taking into consideration the Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration, the result of clustering is much better.
Key Words: PCA, EFA, CCA, Mosaic Plot, Interaction Plot, Interactive Bubble Plot, Angular Velocity, K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, Gaussian Mixed Models.
And here's some videos I made to visualize my results:
[1]. Private link to “The Evaluation Bubble Plot” Video:
[2]. Private link to “Head Path Visualization” Video:
[3]. Private link to “Head Comparison Path Visualization”:
[4]. Private link to “Left Hand Path Visualization”:
[5]. Private link to “Left Wrist Path Visualization”:
[6]. Private link to “Right Hand Path Visualization”:
[7]. Private link to “Right Wrist Path Visualization”:
[8]. Private link to “Spine Path Visualization”: