Students and Mental Health: Let's Talk.
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Several studies have already begun to sound the alarm: Graduate students and postdocs encounter numerous stressors, all of which might have a detrimental impact on their mental well-being. In a 2022 study (which is similar to the one conducted by the same institution in 2014) conducted by the Graduate Assembly at the University of California, Berkeley, it was discovered that over one-third of master's students and nearly half of Ph.D. candidates at the university experienced depression. Factors such as career prospects
A recent study conducted at a prominent research institution in Texas revealed that 13% of the university's postdoctoral students were experiencing positive growth, while 58% were struggling and 29% were experiencing symptoms of depression. Unfortunately, there is a significant paucity of comprehensive data regarding the mental health of graduate students and postdocs, as well as its potential impact on their professional and career growth
This is a matter of great concern to a group of three academics from different disciplines, who are actively attempting to resolve it. Rahma, the Academic Leader and Advisor at HAMNIC Solutions; Asra, a Saudi Arabia based Research Consultant in Riyadh who is also assistant professor for academic development; and Evan, a practicing researcher who also runs her own private consultancy, Real Researchers, recently initiated a research study with the goal of quantifying the prevalence of mental health issues
Individuals pursuing a Master's degree, Ph.D., or engaged in postdoctoral research in any academic discipline and geographical location are encouraged to participate in this study. The participation involves sharing views on the subject through comments anonymously or send them through our email: [email protected], which is estimated to require a time commitment of 5 to 10 minutes. The survey was initiated on 3rd March and has already accumulated over 1000 replies. The crew intends to persist in gathering data for a duration of 3 months prior to scrutinizing and disseminating the findings.
During a Skype interview with Academics and Research Consultants, Rahma, Asra, and Evan explained the reasons behind conducting the poll and their aspirations for enacting change. The dialogue was revised to enhance comprehensibility and conciseness.
HS: What was the motivation behind initiating the survey?
Rahma: I developed a keen interest in assisting students throughout my time as a graduate student specializing in Business Information Technology. I initiated the implementation of career development initiatives, which subsequently resulted in my current role as an academic leader and advisor at HAMNIC Solutions. Upon assuming this new position, I was astonished by the multitude of trainees seeking my assistance who were grappling with various manifestations of anxiety, depression, stress, or burnout. Additionally, desiring to pursue further research and seeking assistance as a recent graduate, I approached Tutor Hamza, the founder and CEO of HAMNIC Solutions, whom I had connected with on Twitter, to propose the survey concept. Together with Dylan, given our mutual interest for knowledge in Information technology, we sought the assistance of Tutor Hamza, whom I knew would be enthusiastic about helping us.
Asra: I was motivated to do this study because, reflecting on my time as a graduate student in molecular and cellular biochemistry and then as a postdoc, I distinctly recall experiencing anxiety and stress on multiple occasions. I found myself in a predicament where I believed it was necessary to obtain authorization from my primary investigators (PIs) in order to pursue career advancement
Rahma: I also encountered certain challenges throughout my time in graduate school. Within the field of information technology, the Ph.D. program places a high value on pursuing a career in academia as a long-term objective. I consistently leaned towards a information technology approach and struggled to determine if it was acceptable. Moreover, the immense pressure of graduate school was remarkable, and I encountered difficulties in achieving a suitable equilibrium between work and personal life. Upon receiving contact from Tutor Hamza at HAMNIC Solutions, I experienced a strong sense of enthusiasm to provide insights from the mental health standpoint in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential challenges faced by graduate training students.
HS: What types of mental health difficulties do you observe among students in academia?
Rahma.: I have been in my current position for a few years, and during this time, I have encountered a wide range of situations. These include individuals who are navigating typical challenges like finding a healthy work-life balance
Asra.: I have implemented a career development program at HAMNIC Solutions. As a result, students frequently approach us seeking guidance on their future career paths and how to effectively equip themselves for it. Thus, they typically endure the strain and apprehension of being unaware of the route and lacking the knowledge to locate it. Additionally, they are highly dissatisfied with the dearth of career advancement tools available to them inside their departments, under their particular principal investigator, and even at the institutional level.
HS: Does academia create barriers for students in accessing support for mental health concerns?
Evans.: In general, despite some notable progress, there is still a significant presence of stigma surrounding mental health. Within the academic setting, it is expected that any issues encountered in the laboratory should be promptly reported to one's immediate supervisor. Frequently, however, advisors are occupied or have prominent positions, which may result in a hands-off approach to mentoring. If trainees are unable to meet these expectations, there may be a significant disconnect that prevents them from being fully open and honest about their emotional issues, career objectives, or any other concerns related to their professional development.
Asra.: The graduate student and postdoctoral population are in a particularly susceptible position due to the significant impact that their relationship with their principal investigator (PI) has on their career. In order to avoid making mistakes, individuals may refrain from expressing their emotions to their primary investigator (PI). Consequently, they may feel inhibited in requesting assistance not only from their PI but also from others. Furthermore, there is sometimes a dominant mindset of toughness in the academic setting, which discourages students from actively seeking the assistance they require.
Rahma.: In academia, there is a prevalent culture of concealing our struggles from others. I dedicate a significant amount of time at HAMNIC Solutions assisting individuals in recognizing that we are all engaged in the process of understanding and resolving various matters. In my opinion, and based on the experiences of myself and other previous students, I believe that female students may face additional challenges when working in a setting where the bulk of role models are strong male figures. Students frequently contemplate the notion that they cannot achieve excellence in academia unless they have a consistently stoic demeanor. They believe that displaying any form of emotion would result in being perceived as weak. The presence of pressure alone can have significant negative consequences.
HS: Could you provide guidance for young students who have difficulties with their mental well-being?
Evans.: Social support has a significant role, and recognizing that others are undergoing similar circumstances can provide great comfort. I recommend endeavoring to gain a deeper comprehension of your peers' experiences on a more personal level. Identify individuals who are willing to openly discuss those experiences and cultivate supportive relationships with them. Additionally, one can seek assistance from the community like HAMNIC Solutions or internet platforms such as Real Researchers or Twitter hashtags dedicated to addressing the issue of stress in graduate school.
Asra.: Engage in conversation with an individual like Tutor Hamza. It is not obligatory for your PI to be the one. I consistently advise students to actively seek individuals with whom they can establish a strong sense of comfort in order to engage in candid and forthright discussions regarding their health, well-being, and career development concerns.
Rahma.: I also advocate for students to have many mentors. The mentor or counselor who aligns with your academic or scientific needs may differ significantly from the one who aligns with your job development or personal growth. Engage in conversations with a wide range of individuals and cultivate meaningful connections with them.
Evans.: If you are experiencing notable symptoms of sadness or anxiety and do not feel at ease discussing your concerns with someone nearby, the next course of action is to pursue mental health care. Every university in the United States and across the world is required to provide a counseling facility that provides free or highly affordable therapy options for students. Anxious students might seek out service providers through their insurance to help them navigate the educational system.
Asra.: If you believe that you require professional assistance, do not hesitate to actively pursue it without feeling ashamed. During my time as an undergraduate, I actively pursued treatment, which provided me with a renewed sense of energy and enhanced my ability to effectively cope with the sources of my worry and stress. In retrospect, I regret not having pursued the same course of action during my time in graduate school and as a postdoctoral researcher.
HS: Regarding the survey, what are your expectations for its outcomes?
Rahma.: My main objective was to initiate discussions regarding mental health issues in the academic community. Subsequently, it is anticipated that we will elucidate this matter further and utilize the data to inform graduate education and the support services provided by institutions.
Asra.: Based on my observations, students are clearly aware of these difficulties and desire their resolution. However, they perceive a lack of opportunity to engage in open discussions regarding mental health within the academic setting. Without engaging in a comprehensive and unrestricted dialogue regarding mental health, it is not possible to methodically tackle the issues and their underlying causes. I anticipate that the findings of this study will contribute to the establishment of a global forum for dialogue and ultimately result in the execution of impactful actions.
Evans.: By initiating a dialogue that challenges the values being conveyed in academia and emphasizes the significance of mental health, and by offering comprehensive academic support like the one being provided at HAMNIC Solutions, I believe we can transform the culture of graduate education and enhance the well-being of students.
Amal.: In the end, if we fail to address mental health problems, not only will these individuals fail to find a vocation that suits them best, but academia may also lose some exceptional professionals. I am concerned about students abandoning their enthusiasm for research due to the negative effects of stress, worry, and burnout that have been fostered in their setting.
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