Students Know Yourself First; Sharpen Brain & Activate Dormant Powers of Brain
Students: uncover the treasure within; activate hidden powers of brain. student enrichment initiatives

Students Know Yourself First; Sharpen Brain & Activate Dormant Powers of Brain

In the age of tremendous information available at a click of smart phone, students need to change their study approach & study methodologies in order to succeed in their respective endeavours. Now merely hard work shall not be sufficient, students need to do smart hard work. Mere rote learning won't help. Students need to sharpen their mind. They need to activate unutilized hidden powers of brain. They need to sharpen their axe. Morgan Freeman claims "It is estimated most human beings use only 10 percent of the brain's capacity," he says, "Imagine if we could access 100 percent." It means 90% of our brain power remains dormant.

And the key to sharpen your brain and activate dormant brain powers is Yoga. Many people do not believe on this ancient science of yoga that how such a simple & easily doable thing can activate brain powers. Let my friends know that that the most vital things in life that are crucial for survival are simple, easily available & free. For Example, air to breath, water to live, soil to grow food, fire to cook food etc. Some science students say they don't believe in anything other than science. Science is merely a man made a device/mechanism to know certain things. Every device has its limits. A Robot doesn't know who has designed it. A robot can never know & feel everything about human beings. Human beings might too be robots of someone.

Even the Gayatri Mantra has power to make you more intelligent. See AIIMS research about Gayatri Mantra

The students need to be calm, peaceful, joyful to succeed in their Exams, in their lives and to be happy in life.

Students need to  enhancing Concentration, Focus, Memory, Will Power, Self Confidence, Interest in the  Studies; controlling deviations of mind, Nervousness, Attention deficit, drowsiness etc.). All that is possible & easy by Yoga.

 Yoga is not a way to renounce the world but to face the world & to live life with more energy, vgour, focus, confidence & Concentration. Yoga is a way of life

 The seed cannot even believe that it has the potentiality to become a beautiful flower.  

The seed cannot know what is going to happen, the seed has never known the flower. Long is the journey, and it is always safer not to go on that journey because unknown is the path, nothing is guaranteed. Nothing can be guaranteed. Thousand and one are the hazards of the journey, many are the pitfalls - and the seed is secure, hidden inside a hard core. But the seed tries, it makes an effort; it drops the hard shell which is its security, it starts moving. Immediately the fight starts: the struggle with the soil, with the stones, with the rocks. And the seed was very hard and the sprout will be very, very soft and dangers will be many. There was no danger for the seed, the seed could have survived for millennia, but for the sprout many are the dangers. But the sprout starts towards the unknown, towards the sun, towards the source of light, not knowing where, not knowing why. Great is the cross to be carried, but a dream possesses the seed and the seed moves. The same is the path for man. Every human being has the seed within. But it needs to germinate to blossom into flowers of peace, contentment and happiness and fragrance of love, joy and awareness. Yoga is the air, water and soil to initiate the blossoming of that flower. Lord Budha says: “Peace come from within, do not seek it with out”. Yoga is the way to take you in the world of awareness/self consciousness and to connect the self consciousness (soul) with the universal consciousness (God). It’s all about your inner engineering and inner surgery to beautify your body, mind and soul. It is the key to be in present and to feel a state of No-Mind. In science, you need to prove first, then you believe it; but in spirituality, you need to believe first, then you can experience it.

Irrespective of the rich and poor, everyone is in the undefined race for money, power, position, luxury, fame, status, pleasure etc. so that he/she can become happy. Knowingly or unknowingly entire life passes away but we keep on lingering around them in the hope for real peace and happiness. We keep on working so hard to achieve & fulfil the above mentioned desires. Sometimes we fail to achieve, that causes furthers sorrows;   sometimes we succeed but that gives only a momentary or short lived happiness at the superficial levels of body, mind and soul. Somewhere that doesn’t touch the deeper dimensions of our existence. That’s why we start running again to achieve more, to accumulate more or to fulfil some other desire. In the mean time, even we tend to forget the basic human values of loving, sharing and serving. That further compounds our miseries. This vicious cycle continues to engulf our precious life that the nature/God had given us to live not to waste. The seed is meant only and only to germinate into a plantlet; not to remain dormant forever neither to be consumed nor to be destroyed by others. It is your life that has been given to you to live it; not to waste it blindly for the never ending ever increasing artificially created worldly desires. Becoming is the disease of soul; being is life.

Rarely, we happen to realise that the real source of infinite, everlasting true happiness lies within us. It is just like the treasure hidden underneath our house but we are simply not aware of that and keep on wandering for the treasure here & there outside.

Every human being, irrespective of his religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, power, position, status and money, can make one’s life a blissful journey by unfolding and experiencing that everlasting, infinite peace and happiness inherent within him / her.

Mostly we misunderstand bodily pleasures as joy & happiness but the soul remains untouched & deprived off the real joy and happiness. Pleasure belongs to body; joy belongs to soul. The body is like a car and the soul like a driver. The car can be run on the fuel but the driver needs something different to remain functional. The pleasures can satisfy the body but the contentment of the Soul requires unconditional love.

The human love is subject to the limitations of expectations and has become conditional. The almighty/Allah/Bhagwan/ God is always showering on us His unconditional true love and joy but we are simply unaware of this everlasting, ever happening, ultimate, divine shower of love and joy. Just like the air is always existent around us yet we happen to feel it only occasionally.

No one is sure about the existence of heaven and hell after death but you can make your life heavenly while still alive by unfolding and experiencing that infinite source of peace, joy and happiness simply inherent within you.

The universal Consciousness (which we call as almighty, Allah, Bhagwan or God) has installed within all of us a very minute part of this Universal Consciousness-the Soul (called individual Consciousness).

The Union of the soul with the almghty (through yoga, Meditation Pranayam etc.) is the Key to feel and experience the real joy of life, and the ultimate everlasting source of peace and happiness.

Patanjali says “Yoga is a Science”. According to a renowned western Scholar-Maslow “for a truly contented life one needs to fulfil his Physiological, Psychological and Spiritual/metaphysical needs”. Yoga amalgamates a balanced union of Psychology, Spirituality and Science to harmonise your body, mind and soul. i.e. Best of Science, Best of Spirituality. You will know how to live like a lotus that lives in the mud yet remains blossomed peacefully and elegantly. You don’t need to renounce the world, you can best experience the spirituality while being a part of this normal life.

If you are highly busy, having hectic schedules, overworked, tired, stressful life style, bored of the same normal routine, want a change without wasting much time, want to increase your energy levels and feel soul deep peace and tranquillity, then you are the right candidate to experience effects of yoga quickly.

Meditate                                                                                                                                      -Empower Yourself  -Manage Anger - Increase Memory, Concentration & Focus                                                                                                                                          Get Rid off Depression                                                                                                                                 Stress & Anxiety   -Insomnia                                                               -Negative thoughts                         Rejuvenate with YOGA THERAPY, MUSIC THERAPY, PSYCHOTHERAPY.

Besides, education and employment; health, happiness and self transformation through yoga is also a much needed and very effective tool to emancipate the masses.

Yoga Methods, Tools & Techniques: 

Asanas, Pranayams, Transcendental Guided Meditaion, Musical Breath Meditation, Cosmic Dance Meditation, sleeping Budha Meditation, Mantras, Expert Counselling (Psychological Counselling/Cognitive Therapies/Behavioural Counselling, Spiritual Counselling/Life Skills Counselling etc.), Prayers, devotional songs, Laughter therapy, Chanting, Meditaion music

Various types of Yoga courses available in commercial yoga marketplace :

1)   PRIVATE YOGA/INDIVIDUAL Yoga   Personal yoga training session/individual yoga training session at our air conditioned centres.

2)  HOME YOGA Private yoga/Personal yoga training session/individual yoga training session at your home.                                                                                                        

3)   GROUP YOGA : At your our centres as well as at your home.


(For enhancing Concentration, Focus, Memory, Will Power, Self Confidence, Interest in the Studies; controlling deviations of mind, Nervousness, Attention deficit, drowsiness etc.)











  • Guided Meditation
  • Musical Breath Meditation
  • Non Directive Meditation
  • Concentrative Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Music Therapy


16) ALL IN ONE SESSIONS                                                         17) REGULAR YOGA CLASSES                                                        18) GITA/RAMAYANA LECTURE/CHANTING:19) YOGA FOR THYROID




For beginners, the systematic approach of yoga is extremely suitable as the physical practices initially focus on gently removing tension & blocked energy from the joints, muscles, & organs & also the mind, to safely prepare the body & mind for more advanced practices. The approach is careful, understanding your own body strength & weaknesses. The class/session includes is Yogasanas, Pranayama and Meditation including Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) & Counselling.

For Intermediate & Advanced Practitioners, stronger & deeper practices to strengthen the body & effect the flow of energy through the body & mind, to develop a deeper & more subtle awareness of the body & mind experienced through Yogasanas, Pranayama and Meditation including Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) & Counselling.

Modern Research at AIIMS about Scientific Basis of Yoga:

Author:  Dr. Raju Singh, Director – Online Live Tuition


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