Students become entrepreneurs...
So what. For the tech start up scene this is stating the obvious. But life sciences are a different world. Good to see proof, that they can do just as well. A recent article in Nature Biotechnology by two who went for it is close to reality and has some sound advice of what to do, avoid and expect (including a comprehensive checklist!).
I particularly liked the finding that there′s "an unfortunate assumption among researchers that a stellar IP portfolio and a promising pipeline will sell your company by itself. It won’t". Quite right. Key is the "ability of your team to navigate the diverse issues your company will inevitably face". And there′s a way how to achieve it.
But the best comes at last. "At no time in your life will you be likely to have more freedom and less personal commitments to be able to pursue your startup dreams". That′s some conclusion.
So this is good reading for all graduates who thrive for seeing their research come to life. What are you waiting for?