Student and Teacher Travel Grants

#Travel #Grant #Application

Technical Symposium August 30-September 1, 2023

Hawks Cay Resort, Duck Key, Florida

Application Deadline: July 15, 2023

#Florida #Lake Management Society (FLMS) offers competitive travel grants to attend the annual FLMS technical symposium. Travel #assistance is offered because FLMS is committed to #student, #teacher, and #citizen professional and personal development in #aquatic #resource management. Travel assistance is available for conference registration and/or room accommodation at the Hawks Cay Resort for the nights of August 30, August 31 & September 1, 2023.

Who is eligible for FLMS travel grants?

Junior and senior #undergraduate students, #graduate students, middle or #highschool #teachers, and #citizens are eligible for FLMS #travelgrants. For students, the individual must be enrolled full-time at a given academic institution in the spring semester prior to the FLMS technical symposium. For teachers, the individual must have taught the spring semester prior to the FLMS technical symposium. For citizens, the individual must play an active role in a water resource entity. Applicants are given travel grant preference if: 1) abstract accepted for an oral or poster presentation and 2) willing to share a room with a same-sex roommate.

Application requirements:

1) Completed and signed application form (next page)

2) Letter of interest- please share your reason to attend the symposium, your expected participation at the symposium, and the expected benefit from your experience (less than 1000 words).

Please electronically send these two application requirements as one PDF to [email protected] by July 15 2023, 11:59 PM. Contact Maryann with any questions.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Florida Lake Management Conference Travel Grant Application Form- 2023


