Student Stories: Brandon Sadur

Student Stories: Brandon Sadur

At the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business, we celebrate each of our students' unique experiences. Today, we're sharing Brandon Sadur's story.

1.?What year will you be graduating??

I will be graduating Spring 2024.?

2.?How did you first hear about the MBA programs at the University of Utah??

I first heard about the MBA program online while checking out graduate programs that the U offers.?

A professional headshot of Brandon Sadur

3.?What made you decide to choose the University of Utah??

I chose the University of Utah because I had already lived in Salt Lake City for a year and a half and have several friends who attended and enjoyed their experience as undergraduate students. The small size of the MBA program was particularly appealing to me because I wanted to be part of a tight-knit community and not in a massive lecture hall for courses in which the material is new to me.??

4.?Why did you decide to pursue an MBA??

I originally was planning to pursue a Master’s degree in Sustainability. After considering the environmental impact that businesses have on our planet’s future however, I chose the MBA route because I want to help companies realize the myriad of benefits of incorporating sustainability into their operations.?

5.?What challenges do you face as a person of color in your work field? What about in your studies??

I have worked in several fields each with different challenges, but more relevant to me is the challenge I face in applying to jobs. Specifically, the challenge of overcoming systemic racism. While there are efforts to push for diversity in hiring, racism still exists and I am subject to a bias (unconscious or otherwise) based on the color of my skin despite equal merit to other candidates. In my studies, I don’t feel I face any challenges.??

Brandon standing at the other end of a red rock tunnel wearing a sunhat and a long-sleeved blue shirt

6.?What support have you found through the University of Utah for people of color??

I haven’t felt the need to look for support. Based on my background though, I would be inclined to join clubs such as the University of Utah Black Student Union or Asian-American Student Association.?

7.?How have your professors and fellow students helped you feel acknowledged and equal in your classes??

I haven’t felt any discrimination or different treatment from my fellow students and professors, and that’s helped me feel acknowledged and equal in my classes.?

8.?What would you tell another person of color who is about to start their MBA at the U??

I would tell another person of color who is about to start their MBA at the U to not be afraid to be themselves and represent their culture despite potentially standing out, because they will be embraced. I would also say to not worry about being accepted by classmates, as I haven’t met anyone in the program who I feel has treated me differently because of my racial background or appearance.?

Interested in learning more about the University of Utah's MBA Programs? You can check them out here!


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