Student racing day 2022
Karel Kreibich jr.
Member Board Of Directors ve spole?nosti EPTDA - Europe Power Transmission DistributorsAssociation
Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the "Racing Day" at? ?eské vysoké u?ení technické v Praze and meet again with students whose projects? Contra Praha, s. r. o. supports, i.e. with student motorcycles and student formulas.
We participate and help in the field of chain transmission. Our goal is to introduce the best products in the industry, Tsubakimoto Europe B.V. chains and Contra Praha, s. r. o. sprockets, to young people with ambition.
We wish them the best of luck and a successful season.
PS: Doesn't your technical university also have similar racing teams? In both cases, these are pan-European championships. Let's compete and support young people!