Student Loan Crisis.
Student Debt is currently at $1.4 TRILLION.

Student Loan Crisis.

"If it's so bad that we need to forgive the loans, then why are we continuing to make them?" 

Doesn't this remind you of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I am so excited to be a Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider. And I am even more excited about where he is taking the fight to address the Crisis in Student Loans in America. is a crisis. And the only way to fight it is to educate yourself on what is truth and what is myth about our higher education system in America.

I help people build wealth through Real Estate. I also see the number one hindrance to building that wealth as what we have been taught about education and money. Placing a premium on education once made it is simply a money grab by the education system in America. Think about this...we are teaching our youth that we cannot be successful unless we go into hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. Then we are telling them that the government should forgive this debt that they accepted. This just ins't sustainable thought.

Please, don't misunderstand what I am saying... #education is more important now than at any other time in history. The advances we are making in the medical and technology fields are fed entirely upon education. But the way we have been taught to pay for it and the government's involvement in the student loan process has simply grown and fed a greedy system that is bankrupting our country. It truly is a predatory system that we have to address now.

Check out this video and the podcast to see what lies are driving millions to take on this debt and what to do to change the way we fund college.


