Stuck in a rut? Here’s why.

Stuck in a rut? Here’s why.

Hopefully, every day you go into your office believing today will be the day that you will have the fire back in your belly to crush your To Do list.

Thing is, once you’ve attended a couple of meetings, helped a few people out that knocked at your door, and waited for inspiration to get stuck into your biggest item, it’s suddenly the afternoon and that To Do list is still big and staring right back at you!

You’re wasting your talent

Why can’t I get motivated? Why don’t I have the same passion for my business like I did before? According to Jessica Sweet in her article “10 Reasons Why (Almost) Everyone You Know Hates Their Job”, there are lots of reason why you feel this way.

The biggest reason that resonated with me is that people become demotivated from being dragged into tasks that don’t tap into their real talents and who they are. As a result, real productivity dies to the point that you don’t’ feel like you’re making much of a difference – perhaps why research by reckon you only do about 3 hours of work a day.

Now I’m just being rude

Don’t worry, forget what says – I believe you do way more than 3 hours a day! But seriously, how much time do we all procrastinate doing jobs we don’t want to do? How much is our time is interfered with by other people?

Especially in smaller businesses, with job descriptions ill-defined and growth requiring an all-hands-on-deck attitude, it’s inevitable that we get stuck doing distracting jobs that we hate.

But that doesn’t mean you should be.

You can’t grow without delegating

Those tasks you don’t want to do; those tasks that sap your creativity and talent away from the stuff you should be doing should be passed on to someone else.

Learning to delegate also means giving up control, and that isn’t always easy. However, if you’re going to listen to someone, hearing what Richard Branson says about the importance of delegation is probably that person. Do this, and as Richard says:

"You’ll find that you have more time to focus on the big picture and achieve the things you need to do to make your product or service stand out."

~ Richard Branson

For a small business owner though, that’s not so easy, is it Richard?

No, you probably can’t magic a new member of staff out of thin air to delegate to (not to mention the small matter of paying them, the taxes, the pension and a desk for them to sit at). However, what you can do – right now – is hire a Virtual Assistant from someone like us.

Ah, so this is a sales ploy!

Well, yeah, if you think using someone to free up your time to be more productive is a sales ploy, you’ve got me! But I counter that with more third-party endorsement, from Dragon’s Den’s James Caan no less. He raved about how he saves himself 10 hours a week to be more productive by using a Virtual Assistant.

As James points out, the beauty of a Virtual Assistant is that you only pay them as and when you need them. Here at Miss MPS, we charge by the hour, or by project, giving you the best value of whatever kind of admin work you need us to do. With no contract, it truly is a win-win.

Want to get out of that rut? Be a passionate, productive business owner by delegating to Miss MPS. See all our services by visiting the Miss MPS website.


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