Stuck in Process? Cut the Red Tape.
Deborah (Ellen) Wildish BHEc, MA, RD
Corporate Health, Culture & Innovation Strategist | Cinder to Flame | Consulting | Vision for Sustainable, Quality Living.
Large, complex Corporations tend to be slow moving and steeped in process that cascades through operational layers with side diversions (e.g. approval through other departments). However, any organization can get “stuck in process”. This may impact leadership styles, how committees function and the efficiency of service or product design and delivery. I’ll share my experience of feeling stuck in process and conclude with two initiatives that cut-the-red-tape, spreading positive change across Canada.
A well-meaning senior manager once told me to focus on a single step in the process. I was told not to think about the next step and to set the end goal aside because we would eventually get there. I reflected upon this advice. Instead, I decided to lean into a former senior manager’s advice who was always focused on results. I would begin by clarifying the problem and the desired results, then map out the tentative steps toward achieving the final goal. Figuratively, I focus one eye on the current step of the process and with the other eye set my sight on crafting the next step - to keep the initiative moving forward…
For six years, I sat on an eight member committee that was tasked with solving one complex problem. The committee was stuck in the process of gathering more and more evidence (e.g. repeating literature searches and environmental reviews etc.), despite my desire to move on and begin creative thinking toward an innovative solution.
Later, I pioneered two initiatives in health care to expedite the delivery of appropriate nutritional care by enabling registered dietitians to write orders for nutrition therapy. Disrupting traditional processes required:
I published these initiatives in two peer reviewed journal articles which led to fielding calls from across Canada. This resulted in related initiatives that were undertaken by colleagues to expedite client care and service delivery. With the permission and acknowledgement of all those involved, I presented these Canada-wide initiatives at a national conference to further fuel transformational change.
I was honored with an Innovation Award. My best moment occurred after presenting the positive impact (measured results) to the hospital Quality Assurance Committee. The Chairman of the hospital board concluded: “We need to see more initiatives like this that cut-the-red-tape.”
Cinder to Flame helps Corporations maximize cost containment and quality in service delivery through a strategic program that builds a healthy corporate culture to ignite “major” innovation.
A healthy corporate culture has multiple facets and enables people to disrupt the status quo and implement innovative solutions to expedite the best client care, service and experience. ?
Feeling stuck in process? Are you ready to generate more innovative solutions to cut-the-red-tape?
Cinder to Flame provides services to Municipalities and Government, Health Care and Private Sector Corporations who share the vision for sustainable, quality living.
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Deborah (Ellen) Wildish, Cinder to Flame 2022-Present. All Rights Reserved.