The general strike scheduled for April 28 2017 was hailed as one of the most intense in Brazil, and there is even a certain climate of terror in cities like Sorocaba, 100 km from Sao Paulo, a city with about 650 thousand inhabitants. The Social Security reform, which seeks to increase the number of years of work to obtain retirement, among other issues, was in the spotlight of Trade Unions, especially the CUT - Central única dos Trabalhadores. On the one hand, the need to balance the accounts of the Federal Government, on the other, the standard of living of the workers of that country, who are immediately threatened. The idea that the state regulates itself can be quite dangerous if set aside as autonomous and self-sufficient in the balance between personal and corporate interests. Liberal modernity may be acting from the top down, where individuals must conform to corporate imperatives, although with the presence of the state, reveals the inequality of men occurring in their bases - being in this need for readjustment the opportunity of birth and growth of citizenship in a society (SOUZA, 2008). Crisis and opportunity arise from the same scenario, says the Chinese ideogram, however, the prejudice arising from disregard for institutional issues is not a new phenomenon, it is present in much of our economic history and is also a component of what some analysts and Historians call it a patrimonialist vision, in which politicians and occupiers of public offices exercise their activities confusing public patrimony with private patrimony, and place personal or group interests above collective interests (MACHADO, 2017). We see clearly that not always a cry in favor of the people really craves their benefit.

The market acting freely, without any form of state observation, can lead to situations such as those brought about by the Japanese real estate market in the early 1990s, where the speculative bubble brought about a total loss of confidence in the financial system to the point that people prefer to save money at home than to market it, reducing consumption and thus bringing a whole decade of recession. An economy can be considered in recession after consecutive months of decline in its GDP - Gross Domestic Product, being a phase of contraction in the economic cycle, of retraction in the economic activity for a certain period of time, with decrease in the level of production and with increase Unemployment, a fall in family income, a reduction in the rate of profit, an increase in the number of bankruptcies and concordats, an increase in idle capacity and a fall in the level of investment (CLAESSENS and KOSE, 2009) a snowball where one pushes the other downwards , And no one is really free of its baneful effects.

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. John Donne

Like dominoes, every difficult time for an economy in a particular geographic area, it can knock another stone off somewhere else on the planet, where all suffer the consequences, poor and rich, business owners and employees. Freedom should not be confused with debauchery, authentic liberalism does not seek the end of the state nor its weakening. It should be strong and effective because it concentrated on its basic functions. From the standpoint of liberalism proposed in Brazil, the defense of the thesis must be made that solidarity will always be innocuous as long as others do what they can and must do for themselves. The state should not be paternalistic, having the role of regulating the markets, seeking to give them stability and security (Mello Neto, 2009). The state must be neutral and impersonal in its actions, being forbidden to establish monopolies and oligopolies, to create reserves of market or to grant privileges to anyone, under what pretext it is. The State cannot be the instrument of enrichment of some to the detriment of the others.

More recently the old liberal conservatism has taken on new forms having a greater participation in Brazil, whether it is posited that liberalism should not be adjectival or even if it agrees to call it neoliberalism, it may be more appropriate to call its followers conservative liberals, with no pejorative intention, as it was the conservative liberals, led by Thatcher and Reagan (PAIM, 1998), who played an important role in our time, participating in the overthrow of socialism and opening a new perspective to Europe, whose decline (under the aegis of the Socialists) had been proclaimed by Raymond Aron - corroborating theoretically, neo-conservatives in the United States like Kristol, Himmelfarb, Podhretz and Nisbet and in Brazil, such as Meira Penna, Roberto Campos and Donald Stewart. In Latin America, a set of political practices of establishing a direct relationship between the people and a political leadership without the mediation of representative political institutions, such as the parties, or even against them, is considered populism, and generally employing rhetoric Which appeals to diffuse figures such as "the people," "the oppressed," "the shirtless," etc. Through "populism," Vargas and Goulart were credited with being disengaged from the capitalist economy by attending to popular demands and oppose to economic imperialism, striving to discharacterize the social projects in struggle as the democratic reforms based on a national and popular economic platform, that the labor of the masses placed in the national reality. Roberto Campos and the conservative liberals were used of the theory of "populism" in the pre-64 political disputes, with the purpose of naming proposals that confronted their interests (MELO, 2004). Thus, when the masses tried to print their claims to politics through mobilization they were called as "populist". This position, therefore, revealed the defense of liberalism in the economy and the restricted democracy in politics, legitimating the economic system.

Few people live the present; Most are waiting to live later. Jonathan Swift

The Latin American elites are national-dependent, being now nationalists, now subordinated to the north, as when there is the fear of communism as such in the 1960s, or when there is strong neoliberal hegemony as in the 1990s. In Brazil, economic elites have reached Reasonable autonomy and strong growth between 1930 and 1950, and during the 1970s, with the external debt of the 1980s, they opened their economies and financial accounts in the 1990s, with much lower growth rates (BRESSER-PEREIRA, 2012). It is worth reflecting on the contemporary situation of a society always in the expectation of strong economic leverage, but which has its courses fundamentally determined by its elite. One must have full awareness and pragmatism, look at what is in hand in the now, for Country of the future does not exist, since the future does not exist, when it arrives, it will be the present again.

Time does not exist. What we call time is the movement of evolution of things, but time itself does not exist. Either it is immutable, and in it we move. Clarice Lispector


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