Struggling with work-life balance? Here are some tips to ace it!

Struggling with work-life balance? Here are some tips to ace it!

The New Year is here or more so the new 'decade'. While making resolutions is not necessarily part of everyone’s annual rituals, self-care should be a priority no matter where you are in your career.

As we enter this era of all of us striving to achieve more, here is something you should keep in mind.

Boundary Setting

1. Recognize your priorities

Go figure what you want your priorities to be, rather than assuming what they should be. Ask yourself, “If I could only focus on one thing in my life, what would it be?

That answer is your top priority. What would you focus on second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? While it may sound a little dramatic but at least helps laying the foundation of your priorities right and by the time you're done you’ve now identified your top five priorities.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this or even hitting the perfect work-life balance but putting some thought into it to begin with, works wonders!

2. Schedule your week-offs

While we may have an outlook calendar full of invites, rarely do we ever schedule a self care session for ourselves in advance. Self care is different for everyone, it may look like an aromatherapy session or a Korean sheet mask to some or it maybe as adventurous as even running a half marathon! The point is to schedule an activity over the weekend that you absolutely look forward to, your unmissable day of self care, schedule it to get enough of those days in your calendar.

3. Find a company that fits you

While it can be in the form of allowing time off on special events, or a compensatory off for a day of working overtime or even as simple as flexibility in terms of work arrangements. A company with policies that match the boundaries that you set for yourself would be ideal.

For e.g. We at 360 Degree Cloud approach employee centricity with providing flexible shifts and work from home facilities for our employees.

Managing work and leisure time most effectively

Once your priorities and boundaries are in order, it is important to manage your work and leisure time effectively. Improving work efficiency and taking adequate breaks are two of the best ways you can improve your work-life balance.

1. Improving efficiency at work

All of us are striving to become an efficient version of ourselves everyday but becoming more efficient at work may feel easier said than done. One way to approach efficiency would be to focus on your KPI and prioritize your tasks in accordance with it, that helps you to really focus on your KRAs in the long run while also completing tasks that are of more value to the company in a time efficient fashion.


