Struggling with the summer holidays? Here's 10 ways to make it fun for everyone, from a clinical psychologist
The summer holidays should be a time for getting out with the kids and embracing quality family time but, as any parent will attest, six weeks of full-on care can be intense. Especially if you’re trying to work at the same time.??
Here, HelloSelf Clinical Psychologist, Dr Denise Bevan, provides tips on how to get through the next month unscathed, and maybe even enjoy it a little more…
Create a timetable
One of the reasons holidays can feel so stressful is the lack of structure and routine. It may be helpful to create a timetable of activities, or “on and off†times. This way your kids know what to expect, and get a better idea of when you’re available to spend time with them (so they know when they can and can’t bother you if you’re trying to work!). It can also help to create set snack and lunchtimes. This can be done in advance, if you’re feeling organised, but if this is overwhelming and just adds to your stress, break this timetable down into manageable chunks such as morning, lunch and afternoon. Simply just setting times for snacks and lunch can help bring order to the chaos.?
Make a list of free activities
It can be worth creating a list of free activities, either in the home or in the local community, to have things for you and the kids to look forward to. Often community centres or shopping centres have free activities during the holidays.?
Get your kids involved in making this list if you can, so you know they’re picking activities they’ll enjoy, and if the kids complain of being bored, let them choose an activity from the list.?
Bubble up with friends
Chances are if you’re pulling your hair out, feeling overwhelmed or in need of support, your fellow parent friends will be in the same boat. Lean on each other. This could be as simple as taking turns to host a playdate, or doing activities from your list together. Not only will this give you much-needed adult and social interactions, it will help your kids burn off energy and encourage them to socialise in ways that boost their own mental wellbeing.?
Try to get out of the house every day
This doesn’t need to involve a lengthy, or expensive activity. Going for a walk in your local area is enough to clear your mind and stop you and your kids bouncing off the walls. Before you leave the house, make a list of things you want to spot (i.e. a red front door, a worm, three dogs), and tick them off your list as you see them.
Plan time to rest
Parent guilt can feel very real sometimes. Are you doing enough with your kids? Are they learning? Are they happy? This can see many of us strive to be constantly on-the-go, on the hunt for new activities for them to do and places for them to go. Yet, kids enjoy being at home just as much as they like exploring. And giving them the chance to do both; to rest and recuperate is positive for their mental wellbeing, as well as yours! Stick on a film, read a book or simply show them how great it can be to just chill before your next activity.
Engage in self care
Rest time goes in hand-in-hand with encouraging you and your kids to engage in self care. Holidays can feel stressful as it can feel like there is no space for yourself. Take a moment each morning, or if needed each hour, to breathe and practice mindfulness. You can even do this with your children by using the Zen Den or Cosmic Kids Yoga, which are both free on Youtube.
Use a timer for screens
Screentime can be a saviour for some parents, especially those needing to work but if you’re worried about your children having too much, discuss with them what you all agree is an appropriate amount of screen time. Then stick to it. Your kids could even earn their screen time by doing chores…which leads me onto the next point.?
Encourage kids to complete/tidy away one activity before starting another
Oftentimes dealing with the mess created when your kids are playing on their own can be as overwhelming as having to play with them yourself. Encouraging your kids to tidy away activities before starting anything new is not only good for your wellbeing and mental overload, but it’s a useful skill for them to learn. Chances are they have to do this while at school, so it can also help maintain structure and familiarity.??
Be kind to yourself
Holidays are hard and it is ok to feel stressed and overwhelmed at times. This is normal. If this happens, try to practice breathing, grounding or mindfulness activities. Accept the feeling (you can even lean into it and embrace that feeling if you find suppressing it makes things worse) and know that it will pass.??
Find time to unwind
If you can, try to identify a way for you to have some space to decompress and unwind. This could be having a bath when they’re in bed, or going for a solo walk if you can find someone to sit with the kids.
Best of luck with the final stretch!