Struggling With Options?

Struggling With Options?

As a 30 year veteran of the real estate and general contracting business and weathering 3 full blown recessions during my career, I searched for options to trading hours for dollars and the risk of a fickle economy. After researching the business model as a whole, and determining that it was the perfect fit for my long term financial strategy (leveraging time for income is brilliant in my mind) I then researched  network marketing companies in hopes of finding the perfect fit for my interests and business goals.

Here is why I chose my company:

The products were already hugely successful (#1 clinical brand in high end retail  i.e.Nordstrom)

The business plan was developed after the products were successful... Although a #1 brand in retail, the developers recognized the perfect storm of 1) shift in customer buying habits 2) rise of the social economy because of worldwide internet access, and 3) a better distribution channel existed through network marketing to get worldwide penetration. So, they PAID to take the products OUT of all retail and built a Network Marketing channel for distribution. This is the first product to ever leave retail for this channel- a high integrity factor to my mind.

I received something tangible (transformational skin care products!) when I signed up- Products I would buy forever even if never paid to do so- because they work!

I had no competing or contractural obligations with other providers.

Skin... Everyone has it. The Anti-Aging skincare market is a $121 Billion Industry in the US alone and my Brand already had global recognition as a leader. In opening a (virtual or otherwise) franchise, that recognition and brand loyalty with customers is key to quick ROI.

I sell a commodity that results in residual income. This was paramount in my decision to start any business as I am looking for long term residual growth. 

The business plan is simply the best with products I am proud to represent.  I had to be able to confidently proclaim  the products I represent change skin! Otherwise I would be left feeling like a clammy palmed snake oil salesman.

Oh and did I mention that the products have a 60 day money back guarantee? And the physicians who developed them created ProActiv? ($Billion sales annually worldwide for 1 product designed for teens and young adults)

And we were only in the USA and Canada at the end of last year, plan to open Australia fall 2017, and then onward to the next 170 (ProActiv is in over 175 countries of the world) so the opportunity is nothing short of astounding! 


