Struggling To Keep Your New Year’s Resolution?
Finally, 2018 arrived! I’ve been waiting for the new year so I could have a different experience. Somehow, I just knew that when 2018 rolled in I would feel different and as a result take different actions and therefore have a new and profound experience in my life and business.
Here’s how it went:
Day one …
I felt fantastic – woohoo!!! I made it and life feels awesome. My energy is great and I’m ready to take on the world.
Day two ….
Okay back to work and I am doing this with a renewed vigor and energy, I know everything is changing.
Day three….
This is starting to feel somewhat familiar, what is going on? I DECIDED this was going to be a new and different experience, why is it starting to feel familiar?
Day four ….
OMG I feel overwhelmed; my energy is down and I’m already feeling tired. WTF???? What’s happening????
Sound familiar? Are you great at starting things, but challenged with finishing them?
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions but struggle to keep them?
Are you wondering if it is all worthwhile?
You are not alone. This is so typical when we enter a new year and it can feel so disheartening and frustrating. If you want to change this pattern and not fall into the HABITS of 2017 then it is time to start changing from the ‘INSIDE OUT’. That’s right…. the Inside first. If you don’t look at the habits that are keeping you in a holding pattern, if you don’t change you’re thinking,, if you don’t stay the course even when it feels scary and different, how can you expect to find more joy, financial reward and adventure in your life and business?
I want to encourage you to …
STOP being complacent.
STOP making excuses.
STOP blaming anyone or anything for your results.
And…START stepping up and doing EVERYTHING in your power to change from the inside out so you can truly live a life filled with Joy AND Abundance.
Something I often do to bring my energy up is watch motivational videos on YouTube. The link below is one of my very favorites…. take a few minutes and watch, be inspired and fall back in love with your life, your business….yourself!
I would love to hear from you …. If you have something to say, feel something powerful, are ready to move forward in a profound way, I will be here listening and holding a space for you to step into.
If there is any way I can help you achieve what you really want, sign up today for a complimentary discovery session and let’s get started!