Struggling to get results? 5 reasons you fail to take action

Struggling to get results? 5 reasons you fail to take action

This article was originally published as a podcast episode on The Career By Design Podcast. Prefer to listen on your favourite podcast app? Click here.

Ever felt like you’re all talk -- and no action?! Today, I’m sharing the REAL reason you’re struggling to take action and get the results you’re after.

I don’t know how it happened, but there are less than 4 months remaining in 2024!

And I’m noticing a lot of individuals talking about the goals they’re yet to reach -- or strategies they still need to put in place.

Taking action sounds simple. Yet it isn’t easy!

I see this all the time in the work I do with my private coaching clients. Because there are two parts to generating the results you want…

The first is insight -- or the learning which occurs in a coaching session: clarity on goals, needs and actions. The second is implementation -- or putting these insights into action.

When you’re not achieving the outcomes you desire, your instinct is to ask: What do I need to DO about this?

But what you’re doing (or not doing) isn’t the issue. You see, the reason you’re not creating momentum is internal. It begins with your mind.

Finding it tough to take action?

In this article, I’m sharing the five main roadblocks which keep high-achievers stuck in inaction. You’ll discover the EXACT mindset shifts you need to make to take intentional action and get the results you want in your career, this year!


One of the biggest blocks to action is the fear of failure. The purpose of fear is to keep you safe and support your survival. As humans, our brains have evolved to avoid fear and discomfort.

From a neuroscience perspective, external threats trigger the fear response within the amygdala. This part of your brain releases stress hormones into the body, activating the fight or flight response.

In modern times, fear shows up any time you’re about to make a big change or step outside your comfort zone. But it also stops you taking risks to avoid failing -- and holds you back from creating the career and life you want.

At some stage growing up you learnt failure was bad. Yet by only making choices which guarantee success, you limit yourself to playing small. Making mistakes and getting uncomfortable is HOW you learn and grow.

From the moment you’re born, you learn by taking action and failing. As you learnt to walk, you took a few steps, fell down, got back up and tried again. You can never BE a failure, regardless of whether you succeed -- or fail.

When you face your fears and take action anyway, success comes fast!


Imposter syndrome and worrying about what people think holds you back from action. Like fear, it occurs in response to a perceived threat. It’s a survival function, designed to protect you from being exposed as a fraud.

Common amongst high-achievers, it’s caused by a deep fear of not being good enough -- regardless how experienced and successful you are. The fear of judgement, rejection or criticism stops you putting yourself out there.

Imposter syndrome often shows up when you’re starting something new. You begin to doubt yourself and your abilities. And your shrinking confidence stops you taking action or showing up in a meaningful way.

As your self-doubt grows, the more you believe you’re incapable. You might tell yourself you don’t have anything interesting, unique or of value to say. That your previous success was a fluke and there’s no way you can ever repeat it.

These negative thoughts and limiting beliefs keep you stuck -- and out of action.

Here’s the thing. False thoughts and ‘fraudy feelings’ will always be there. But YOU get to choose what to believe -- and how to respond to them.

Don’t wait until you feel confident to put yourself out there. Courage comes from action. When you take the first step, you will get unstuck and BECOME more confident over time.


One reason you’re not taking action and implementing, is a lack of boundaries or the inability to say no. People pleasing stems from the need to feel appreciated, liked or validated. Or the false belief it’s selfish to put your needs ahead of everyone else.

You fail to set boundaries or say yes because you think you ‘should’ or ‘have to’ -- not because you WANT to. This means you struggle to say no, accept every request for your time or agree to do things to keep others happy.

This pulls you away from the goals and projects that are most important to you. It also creates distractions and limits the time you have to take action towards what you want.

Remember, how you choose to spend your time is within your complete control. When you say yes to one thing, you’re saying no to something else!


Another thing holding you back from taking action can be a lack of focus or trying to ‘do it all’. You’re busy -- but not productive. And working ‘hard’ -- yet aren’t getting the results you’re after.

Stress, panic and fear creates this type of reactive behaviour. You could be pushing yourself to reach someone else’s version of success. By spending all your time on the things you think you ‘should’ do -- rather than taking action on what you want.

OR you’re an overachiever, who’s always striving to do more -- and better. As a recovering overachiever, I KNOW firsthand this leads to overwhelm, exhaustion and procrastination. You’re lacking motivation and are struggling to take action.

So what’s the answer? When you’re clear on what YOU want and focus on your ONE next, best step, you will reach your goals!


Perfectionism is another struggle which can stop you in your tracks. Believing you must achieve more and greater, you set unrealistic goals -- then put yourself under immense pressure to reach them.

You may also become SO overwhelmed by the size of the tasks in front of you -- and your own unrelenting high standards -- that you procrastinate. Taking action becomes a battle and you give yourself unlimited time to complete things.

But here’s the truth. Perfection doesn’t exist! By striving to be perfect, you’re even further away from reaching your goals.

Instead, make your goals realistic and achievable. Put a time-limit on tasks and projects. The final outcome won’t always be up to your own high standards -- yet it will get done!

Because when you go for progress not perfection, you will take action and achieve MORE of the results you want.

So there you have it -- the biggest mindset blockers stopping you reaching the level of success you long for. These insights have helped my clients and I move into action and create the results we’re after. I hope they support you too!

Want help to take action on your professional goals + create the results you desire in your career, this year? Let's chat!

Book your free initial 30 minute consult HERE to get started!

Stacey Back is a career planning specialist, certified career coach + speaker. She guides organisations and high-achieving leaders to design fulfilling, sustainable careers that deliver long-term success. Find out more.


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