Struggling to get on with people at work? Top tips for a reboot.
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Most of your work challenges are likely to be related to other people, whether that be a personality clash, misunderstandings, struggling to get people to see your point of view or just general apathy. Whilst realising the benefits of more frequent working from home, the danger is that you avoid people and the challenges you have with them. This will rarely be beneficial in the medium to long term.
If you are struggling with professional relationships, here are 3 short tips to help you give your work relationships a reboot!
My biggest recommendation is to take some time to think about your professional relationships, focus on the key ones to start with and assess what you might need to work on and how to get started.?
To help you with this, you can download my free resource, Relationship Status Sheet.
You'll find more on relationship skills to add to this list of three and many more topics to help you navigate the workplace and progress your career in my book Getting On: Making work work - available from anywhere that sells books - for ease here is the Amazon link and the link for a signed copy.