Struggles teach us or stop us – We decide! (Lesson2 from my drama teacher)
Harsha Atri K G
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When do u say “Nahi ab bas.. I give up”?
Rather question to ask is why would anybody say that? Mind you… Even life says that to living things! “Nahi ab bas.. I give up” and wooosssh… That mortal perishes.
We are faced with an “ephemeral give up” scenario every moment of our life. We have a choice for everything and we either say “Let’s do this” or “Naaah. Not today”. Trying to wake up, Not checking mobile as soon as we wake up, Eating healthy, Leaving home 10 min early, Cleaning up my bag, etc. Now I can continue on the list but I am sure we appreciate the fact that there are hundreds of choices that we are faced with to either fight or flight! And everything is subjective. For some waking up is a bigger challenge, some it may be reading, for others going to the gym could be something they cant do, and for some, it could be not replying to emails as soon as they get it! We all struggle to overcome some of the challenges and some of them we give up on and say “This is me. And I am this way!”??????
Struggles are a part of life generally. More so when you are in a profession where the failure to success ratio is very large. Successes are celebrated while the failures are just accepted as normal! Yes, I am talking about our hero from the previous 2 blogs – Islahuddin who has been the guru which inspired these posts. I have seen Isla not accept failure as normal and strive for success every time he was challenged! As I mentioned in my previous article there were so many choices for him to find easy success at the cost of not being able to do what he loved.
During his lows, he did take up jobs (News9, Qyuki, etc.). ?He pitched innumerable scripts to so many people – wrote and developed new scripts every other month based on feedback.. He saw small successes for Hindustan Times No TV Day campaign, many small videos related to things that mattered to him, etc. But mostly days were struggles. And nights were hustles. But he kept moving with the same vigor as the day he started. When you do what you love energy doubles to reach goals. At the same time, there are thoughts that make you check “Is this not the right path?”.
The biggest struggle was when he had a blood clot in the brain. I was in touch with one of his friends and the condition was critical. But he recuperated within no time. He has fabulous friends to help him out in every way. He had all the support he needed and he was back on his feet.
I remember speaking to him one of the days in 2017 and he said in his namdukke nimdukke accented kannada - “Directiondu time baratte” meaning “My time will come” in Apna time aayega style! He was so sure that he will direct no matter what. He was confident that is just a matter of time before he will get to do what he is here for! Every day of struggle made his motive stronger and every rejection made his energy double up.
Here he is now with his movie ready for release “Nodi swami ivanu irode hege” – All the struggle behind him and all the hardwork that has paid off.
Consider this as a fan post – For all the great things you represent! All the very best to you Isla.