Introduction to reflective practice and its importance

Introduction to reflective practice and its importance


  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Reflective Practice?
  3. What Are The Challenges In Transitioning To Adulthood?
  4. How Can Reflective Practice Help Overcome Challenges??
  5. What Steps Can Be Taken To Incorporate Reflective Practice Into One's Life?
  6. Conclusion?

We do not learn from experience; we learn by reflecting on experience through cycles of interpretation and reinterpretation over time (Dewey, 1933)

1. Introduction

As you transition into adulthood, you may face various challenges, whether a university student, graduate, or young professional. From managing your finances and time to tackling the demands of independent learning or starting your first job, this transition can be both exciting and overwhelming. However, reflective practice can help you overcome these challenges and achieve success. Regularly reflecting on your experiences can gain new insights, develop your skills, and build a brighter, more fulfilling future. This LinkedIn Article post will explore the concept of reflective practice, its importance, and how you can incorporate it into your life. Let's start this journey of self-discovery and growth!

2. What is Reflective Practice?

Reflective practice (RP) is the ongoing process of thinking about and analyzing our experiences to grow. It involves interpreting and re-interpreting our experiences over time to fulfil a specific purpose or achieve a desired outcome. For example, journaling, talking with a?therapist, accessing your university or company's?well-being service?or simply sitting quietly and reflecting on your thoughts and feelings in your?planner?or?journal. By regularly engaging in RP, we can gain new insights into our experiences and develop a capacity for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.

3. What Are The Challenges In Transitioning To Adulthood?

Miles Thompson et al. (2021, p.1401- 1404) research found that transitioning into a new environment can be challenging and stressful. Three overarching themes apply to individuals in this situation:

  • Challenges of independent living: Individuals transitioning into a new environment may face challenges with the demands and responsibilities of independent living, such as managing their time and money and completing basic self-care tasks. Some individuals may be unprepared for these challenges and feel overwhelmed, stressed, or like a failure if they struggle to adjust. These challenges can be tough for those who have yet to experience domestic independence.
  • Challenges of independent learning: One challenge individuals may face when transitioning to a new environment is the need to adapt to managing their academic studies or work responsibilities, which requires a new level of independence. Sub-themes of this challenge include new communication methods, uncertain standards, and the importance of performance to future success. Individuals may need more preparation for these changes and may feel stressed by having to complete assessments soon after starting their new environment. They may also receive less support and need help with the new style of writing required for assignments. In addition, the different grading styles and lack of emphasis on feedback may make it difficult for individuals to assess their progress.
  • Social support and pressure: The social support and pressure challenge is the difficulty some individuals face when integrating into their new environment. This challenge can be expressed in three sub-themes: the importance of a new support system, living with fellow students or coworkers, and the social culture of the new environment. Individuals often need to establish new friendships with others in their new environment because sharing problems with like-minded people is more straightforward and looks good on social media. However, some individuals may need help in forming friendships, such as feeling left out if they do not participate in typical activities, such as socializing or recreational activities.

4. How Can Reflective Practice Help Overcome Challenges??

The challenges that individuals face as they transition into adulthood can be daunting, and the "shame web" - a concept developed by researcher Brené Brown (2006) that initially focused on women - refers to the complex web of conflicting expectations and pressures from various sources such as friends, family, and media that can lead to feelings of shame, inadequacy, and isolation. While the concept of the shame web was initially focused on women, it can apply to people in general as they face the challenges of transitioning into adulthood. Reflective practice can provide a valuable tool for individuals to overcome these challenges by providing a safe and supportive space to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through reflective practice, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their needs, develop empathy for themselves and others, and build shame resilience to challenge the rigid cultural expectations and pressures of the shame web. By engaging in reflective practice, individuals can gain the confidence and skills to navigate the challenges of adulthood with greater clarity and success.

"A web with three titles: 'What you should be,'? 'How you should be,'? and 'Who you should be.'? The web is filled with conflicting and competing expectations from various sources, such as friends, family, and media. In the middle of the web is the phrase 'trapped powerless isolated.'?"?
Brown, B. (2006).

5. What Steps Can Be Taken To Incorporate Reflective Practice Into One's Life?

There are many ways that individuals can start incorporating the reflective practice into their lives. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Start a journal: Write your thoughts and experiences each day in a journal, either at a specific time or whenever you feel the need to reflect. In your journal, you can write about any experiences, thoughts, or feelings relevant to your growth and development. You'll also be able to include notes on your challenges and how you work to overcome them. By regularly writing in your journal, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your experiences, develop new insights, and build a brighter, more fulfilling future.
  • Talk to someone: Find someone you trust to talk to about your experiences. This could be a therapist, a close friend, or a family member. It is important to remember that not everyone can support you in your reflective practice. Ask if they have the time and availability to listen and offer support. If not, do not take offence and continue seeking other sources of support. Example: Access to Work grant and Access to Work Mental Health Support Service Providing context and letting the person know what you hope to gain from the conversation can ensure that it is productive and helpful.
  • Engage in self-care: Take care of yourself by engaging in activities that help you relax and unwind. This could include exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. It is important to remember that everyone is different and may require different self-care activities to relax and unwind. It is helpful to experiment and find the activities that work best for you—engaging in self-care activities regularly, such as daily or weekly, to maximize their benefits and support your reflective practice.
  • Practice mindfulness: Use mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or mindful eating, to help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment.
  • Use technology: Take advantage of the many tools and apps available to help you engage in reflective practice. This could include journaling apps, mindfulness apps, or video editing apps for creating daily video summaries of your experiences.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, reflective practice is a valuable tool for individuals to overcome the challenges of transitioning into adulthood. By regularly engaging in reflective practice, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their needs, develop empathy for themselves and others, and build shame resilience to challenge and overcome the rigid cultural expectations and pressures of the shame web that can lead to shame. Through reflective practice, individuals can gain the confidence and skills to navigate the challenges of adulthood with greater clarity and success.

In my next blog post, I will focus on the benefits of reflective practice for personal growth. I will share my personal experience of implementing reflective practice and the benefits I have experienced. I will also provide tips and resources for incorporating reflective practice into your daily routine. Stay tuned for more insights into the power of reflective practice!


Brown, B. (2006). Shame Resilience Theory: A Grounded Theory Study on Women and Shame. Families in Society, 87(1), 43–52.

Thompson, M., Pawson, C., & Evans, B. (2021). Navigating entry into higher education: the transition to independent learning and living. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(10), 1398-1410.

Authors note:

17 December 2022: This week used my annual leave to plan out 52 blog posts about reflective practice and take my mum to the hospital for an eye operation. I've been administering her medication four times daily and working from home while she recovers. We had a relaxed lunch before the hospital visit to reduce stress. In my free time, I've also been working on a graphic novel about the value of higher education. I want it to showcase my vision of a society where people are reflective and optimistic about their needs and feelings and take ownership of their growth and development. I've realized that becoming a chief operating officer for a university would be a significant role where I could be productive and successful in higher education. This graphic novel is just one way I'm working towards that goal. Here's to a bright future!


17 December 2022: I renamed the cover from "Struggle to Success: Reflective Practice for Resilient Young Adults" to "Introduction to Reflective Practice and Its Importance" and made the article more about individuals than focusing specifically on young adults. I also added an author note.

23 December 2022: I've got you covered (literally)! I recently switched up the cover image, swapping the sunny yellow hue for a calm blue tone. Now, it's the perfect match for the chilly weather outside. I also added the Access to Work grant and the Access to work Mental Health as examples of support because they have been handy for me in the workplace, and this platform is employment orientated online service.


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