The Struggle is Real
Pamela J Green Solutions
Helping Executives and Organizations Build High-Performing Teams and Engaging Cultures
During a recent executive coaching call with a client, she came to the realization that she was at war within herself. She believed the issue was the company but came to discover the problem was within herself. This happened when I asked, "If the company gave you everything you wanted, would that satisfy your frustration?" Ultimately, the answer was "No, it would not." So, then I asked, "What is really going on"?
Her answer caught her off guard. She was surprised to realize that the true struggle was coming from within.
For her and so many others, the events of 2021 created a disorienting dilemma - this occurs when you have an experience that doesn't align with your worldview. For some, the disorienting dilemma was the pandemic; for others, it was the social unrest or the political discord. For many, it was all three. On top of that, you add in personal turmoil, and we find our worldview shaken to its core.
It's no wonder so many are quitting their jobs, changing paths, and doing things that bring a greater sense of purpose. All of the recent past events have challenged us and changed our way of viewing the world. Therefore, we must behave differently in order to survive.
For some, the conflict is an easily won opponent. For others, it is an arduous battle because the consequences of making needed change seem to far outweigh their benefits, and your struggle is real.
If you are struggling, work with a coach, counselor, or therapist; talk to a trusted friend and advisor; enlist help to work through the changes. The benefit of conflict is that it signals an opportunity to do something different. What will your "different" be this year?