The Struggle

There’s a concept in Judaism that “G-d doesn’t give you a challenge you can’t overcome.”

Now, I don’t know if that’s true or not. And there are some challenges, e.g. cancer, which, at least on the surface, people don’t overcome.

But I do find, when I am confronting a tough emotion or a challenging situation to take a deep breath and reframe it as a “test” and an “opportunity.”

Whether the “test” is divinely inspired is almost irrelevant.

What’s helpful is the reframe.

And, as I’ve seen in my kids’ schooling (or when I failed my driver’s license exam on my 16th birthday), sometimes, you fail the test the first time. And maybe the second time.

But you get it the third time.

Instead of the “whoa is me” attitude which I know I can take, at times.

It’s “here’s another test, let’s see how I do on it.”

Mind you, I don’t always do that, but I suppose that’s a test in its own right.

Originally posted on my blog:

