Struggle To Find An Editor
When it comes to self-publishing, there are two major hurdles for me personally the first one is creating book covers. I am not a graphic artist and forming a cover that is appealing is not a skill I currently have. The second problem I have has a good editor. I now have someone who is giving me their time, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. I write erotica I do not need an editor that does perfect work. As a writer, we have all been at the place where someone on the Internet becomes a professional editor who never makes a mistake. As a writer, we all know that making mistakes in sentence structure, spelling or punctuation is just part of the process. When I was in high school I had a fabulous English teacher her words to me will always ring in my ears. She said, “Writers do not edit, and editors do not write.” I can edit other people’s work easily the mistakes stand out on a page like they were neon lighted. When it comes to my work, I read it how I want it to sound. We all do this; it is how our human brains work. Formulating a poorly composed sentence does not make us bad writers we are here to tell stories sometimes true and sometimes fiction.
Editors are there to take our raw emotions that we are brave enough to put on paper and clean them up for the rest of the world to consume. I read articles where writers talk about how their editors butcher their works. My experience has always been pleasant when I have had someone read and critique my work. I am open to improving my craft. I want to become better every day a critical part of that process is knowing where I am starting from then planning where I want to get to. If someone is willing to take the time to read what I write about and give me feedback I will happily hand it over. A professional editor is still out of my price range. I do hope that someday I will have enough success to allow me to pay for services. I know that would help my craft in a lot of ways. I had thought when I went to college this would be something the college would supply instead what was provided was other students looking at my work. I appreciated everyone who took time to say hey your dialogs could use some of this or do not be afraid to increase description. It is not the same as having an editor who will break the work down into small parts then help you build it back up again.
Grammar issues will always bring out every social media critique they are rarely helpful. Telling someone to review their work had grammar issues is not beneficial telling them what those grammar issues were so they can be fixed is helpful. If you offer editor services or even beta reader services to new authors, we appreciate the effort you put out.