Struggle or failure
What is the difference between struggle and failure? The answer is nothing. If we see it from the current view, it is a failure, but if we see the journey after reaching the bar of success, it is like, "oh, I struggled a lot to get here!" struggling means You are failing in everything you are trying,
but remember to not start enjoying the glory of struggle. People make struggle in their comfort zone, like not receiving success is cool. So keep a deadline in mind that after attaining this age, this stage, I will give up on this particular thing.
I do not believe in this never never never give up the mantra. I believe giving up is good. For example, if we take celebs, M.S. Dhoni gave up on his railway job.
Many famous actresses gave up on their respective studies and many on their acting skills. Still, they are successful in different fields, and they are amazing in that. Sometimes giving up is good. Don't take the burden on yourself that you are always giving up. The others are set,
but you keep trying! Keep trying until the failure wears out the suit of struggling time.
Everything will change when you have success. When you are successful, your coloured hair becomes your new profession, your messy look becomes your new style statement, and your laziness becomes aww so cute.
Now the main question is how to succeed. Well, let me taste the success of my mind. What I want in my life, I will surely tell you afterwards! Peace!
-yayawargi (Divangi joshi)