Structuring Innovatively: Building Information Modeling

Structuring Innovatively: Building Information Modeling

In order for ABEC to become the benchmark in the market, we intend to use the highest quality raw materials as well as the use of inventive methods and techniques to utilize the raw resources in order to deliver to its customers the best quality in terms of innovation and sustainability.?

The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry uses design software. Revit, one of the most widely used Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools, goes beyond conventional 2D drawings to allow for 3D modeling and documenting of architectural, structural, and mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) systems throughout a project's lifecycle, from concept to completion.

ABEC is keen to provide an innovative dimension to its clients and produce exceptional quality work. In order for this to be accomplished we intend to use technology and innovative methods (Revit) for innovative building.?

The benefits of using BIM software (Revit) as an innovative technique during the construction process are represented in the diagram below.

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Parametric Modeling

The term "parametric modelling" refers to the development of 3D models based on a set of criteria. Revit employs parametric modelling in the form of "families." Everything in Revit is part of a "family," from title blocks to 3D views to building components like walls and floors; some are integrated into the software, others are accessible through libraries, and others are created from scratch . A family is built by assigning dimensions and properties to 2D or 3D data, which may then be changed by a Revit user (for example, height, width, or thickness of a door family).


All of the data used to create a Revit model is stored in a single database. This means that whenever you modify the model, the database is updated. The changes are carried throughout the model, enabling automation and making the building design process more efficient (as well as eliminating some of the rework associated with ‘chasing' changes around our various projects files).


One of the most noticeable differences between Revit and AutoCAD is the ability for multiple users to work in the same Revit model at the same time, as opposed to AutoCAD, which only allows one user to make changes to a.dwg file at a time. Users in Revit can use the ‘Sync with Central' tool to push their model changes to a ‘Central' model while also pulling any changes from that same ‘Central' model. The interoperability of Revit with other Autodesk software, such as AutoCAD or Navisworks, as well as the extensive add-ins created by other software companies and applications, aids in collaboration across multiple teams and disciplines.

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Revit includes various valuable capabilities for coordination between multiple models, file kinds, disciplines, and trades, whether it's as part of the architectural design process or for performing constructability reviews from users in the construction sector.? Users can monitor changes from a linked model, evaluate notifications of those changes, transfer elements from a linked model into their base model, and communicate issues to other teams working on the same project using Revit's tools.


In the same way that a Revit model serves as a single database for all information in a model, scheduling in Revit saves time that traditional workflows require. As changes are made in the Revit model, schedules that have been set up will instantly update as well with those changes, streamlining one of the more time-consuming processes in the architectural design process. To help with project management, schedules can also be exported out of Revit, modified, then imported back in with those changes.

Energy Analysis

Sustainable design is crucial in the design and construction process these days, and Revit features several analytical tools that can help measure the environmental impacts of your building design.?Specifically, the ‘Energy Optimization’ tools built into Revit (as well as additional add-ins available), in conjunction with “Insight 360” in the cloud, designers can visualize the impact their design could have at any phase of the design process, and without the need to create a new model or user other software.?

Rendering Presentation

Using multiple pieces of software for rendering and presentation materials is a time-honored process in the design industry. Still, Revit provides tools to create these materials all in one platform. The ability to create 3D drawings and renderings directly in Revit, rather than import your model into a different piece of software, saves quite a bit of time.? Revit provides tools for 2D presentations and 3D visualization deliverables using Revit’s extensive material libraries and rendering plug-ins.

There are also other applications and add-ins that can be used in conjunction with Revit models to review and present your model in VR (virtual reality) settings – thus allowing your team to collaborate from anywhere in real-time.

Construction Documentation

By utilizing the 3D modeling capabilities of Revit and the coordination tools at our disposal, users can quickly review clash detection and identify other coordination issues.? With these changes, and in conjunction with the dynamic nature of how changes are populated throughout an entire model, users can generate high-quality, coordinated, and error-free construction documents rather quickly.

Additionally, the creation and use of Revit project templates internally will maintain consistency across your team’s construction documentation, keeping project delivery uniform across all projects in your office.??

Drawing Sheet Set-Up

Because all information in Revit is intelligently and innovatively linked, changes made in one view are carried over to another. For example, if I move a wall in a floor plan, that will automatically be updated in other plans, sections, perspectives, etc.? When views are dropped onto a sheet, users can be assured that changes no longer need to be chased around an entire drawing set housed within multiple files. Instead, the user makes a change in one view and can confidently print the drawing set right away, knowing that the waterfall of changes tied to that one edit will automatically be carried through the entire drawing set.

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Published by: Ayah Hammad

